bug in SVG backend?


I am a beginner in matplotlib. I am trying to get pretty svg output, but it
does not work the way I want it to :slight_smile:

The bitmap image in svg file does not match the axes box. For example please
see the code below or image_demo.py from matplotlib sources.
The bitmap overlaps axes box about 2-3 pixels (see right upper corner of the
produced image). It looks like pdf output has the similar feature.
I use matplotlib 0.98.3.

Can you confirm this problem?



#!/usr/bin/env python

from pylab import *
a=ones((256, 256))
a[100, 100]=122
a[100, 100]=44
a[0, :]=22
a[255, :]=22
a[:, 0]=22
a[:, 255]=22
imshow(a, interpolation='nearest')

Best regards,