Bug in PS output with multi-line ticklabels

I am generating a plot with multi-line ticklabels.
Although the plot displays normally, clicking on the SAVE icon fails
(after selecting the target file name).

I tracked this down as far as afm.get_str_bbox(), line 307 in afm.py

It appears to me that the '\n' character in my multi-line label is
causing the following error:

   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/matplotlib/afm.py", line
307, in get_str_bbox
    wx, name, bbox = self._metrics[ord(c)]
KeyError: 10

Note that '\n' == 10. I confirmed the failure with a tiny example:
Run the following and click on the SAVE icon, enter a file name, and
observe the failure.


from matplotlib.matlab import *

plot([1,2,3,4], [1,4,9,16])
set(gca(), 'xticks', [1,2,3,4])

t = set(gca(), 'xticklabels', ['Frogs\nOKAY 1', 'Hogs\nFine 2',
'Bogs\nGOOD 3', 'Slogs'])


Although I realize that computing the bounding box of a multi-line text
is a bit more complex, I would really like to see this supported.

Also, I don't know in how many other places the embedded '\n' will cause


Al Schapira <a.d.schapira@...107...>