basemap, drawing a greatcircle passing the map borders

I have a quick hack of basemap to allow it to draw a great circle passing the
map borders. It should work for the cylinder project (i.e., no projection)
and a map with longitude -180 to 180.


- Edit the file:

- Insert the following line
       x,y = fixlon(x,y)

before this line

- Add the following to the top of the file:
import Numeric as Num
import MA

def fixlon(lon,lat):
  if type(lon) == type([1,]) or type(lon) == type((1,)):
    lon0 = Num.array(lon)
    lat0 = Num.array(lat)
    lon0 = lon
    lat0 = lat


  n = len(lon0)
  temp1 = lon0[1:] - lon0[:-1]
  temp2 = temp1>0
  np = Num.sum(temp2)
  isIncrease = None
  if np<=2:
    isIncrease = 1
  elif n-np<=2:
    isIncrease = 0
    print 'n, np = ', n, np
  if not isIncrease:
    temp2 = Num.logical_not(temp2)

  temp3 = Num.nonzero(temp2)
  i0 = Num.argmax( Num.take(Num.fabs(temp1), temp3) )
  i = temp3[i0]

  print 'n,i=', n, i
  lon1 =
  lat1 =
  lon1[:i+1] = lon0[:i+1]
  lat1[:i+1] = lat0[:i+1]
  lon1[i+2:] = lon0[i+1:]
  lat1[i+2:] = lat0[i+1:]
  lon1.mask()[i+1] = 1
  lat1.mask()[i+1] = 1
  return lon1, lat1