barh Chart - Not lining up

bar centers on the y axis p1 = figure.gca().barh(pos,val)

    > figure.gca().set_yticklabels(('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry',
    > 'Slim', 'Jim')) figure.gca().set_xlabel('Perfomance')
    > figure.gca().set_title('How fast do you want to go
    > today?') canvas=FigureCanvasAgg(figure) return canvas

In the example you are following, the code reads

  yticks(pos, ('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Slim', 'Jim'))

This sets the ytick locations and labels. You are only setting the
locations, and so you are incorrectly placing a tick and label at 0.
You want

    ax.set_yticklabels(('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Slim', 'Jim'))


    > bar centers on the y axis p1 = figure.gca().barh(pos,val)


    > figure.gca().set_yticklabels(('Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry',
    > 'Slim', 'Jim')) figure.gca().set_xlabel('Perfomance')
    > figure.gca().set_title('How fast do you want to go
    > today?') canvas=FigureCanvasAgg(figure) return canvas

I changed the code to above but it still gives a similair result.



On 8/3/06, John Hunter <jdhunter@...4...> wrote: