Axis line width and label problem

I have two questions:

1. Is there a way to increase the line width of the axes? I have figured out how to do it
with the tick marks, but not the axes themselves.

2. When adding a label to plot (xlabel and ylabel) the label will be cropped if the font is
large. Is there a way to rescale the plot so that the size of the axis is adjusted to allow
for the larger font size? If not, how do I increase the buffer zone outside the plot?


I have two questions:

1. Is there a way to increase the line width of the axes? I have figured out how to do it
with the tick marks, but not the axes themselves.

for s in ax.spines.values():

2. When adding a label to plot (xlabel and ylabel) the label will be cropped if the font is
large. Is there a way to rescale the plot so that the size of the axis is adjusted to allow
for the larger font size? If not, how do I increase the buffer zone outside the plot?

There is no automatic way to handle this, but you can change the axes position either directly (set_position method of the Axes), or by using subplots_adjust if you have created the axes as a subplot.



On 11/21/2010 11:21 AM, Tommy Grav wrote:
