axis labeling currently broken?

Hello, I tried the following code with the current CVS

    > version of matplotlib.

Your code looks fine on quick inspection.

Could you tar up a complete example (with data files if necessary)
that I can run on my end.

Also, as a quick test, in in the _get_layout method, comment
out the line

  if self.cached.has_key(key): return self.cached[key]

I've seen bugs that look like this before which resulted from me not
having a hash key that uniquely specified the text instance, resulting
it being drawn in the wrong place. I thought I fixed this though.

Also, do you get this with matplotlib-0.71 and CVS -- I've been doing
a lot of tinkering, not always for the best, as you've seen.

Also, if the data is not proprietary, you might consider submitting
this to the examples directory, because it is a nice illustration of
how to use fill to indicate time varying ranges.


Hello John,

Could you tar up a complete example (with data files if necessary)
that I can run on my end.

Sure, you can find it at

I will first spend some time to find mathematical reasons why the
red and green lines do not properly fall into the red and green bands
(they are supposed to), and then try to disable caching and to run
it with the older matplotlib version.

Thanks for you help,

PS.: from looking at the output again I guess that the problem is caused
by an additional coordinate frame drawn around the pictue which overlaps
the frames for the subplots. ???


On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 11:17:45AM -0600, John Hunter wrote: