Axes.xaxis_date(), yaxis_date() proposal

Hi John,

I've been making spacecraft trajectory "Pork Chop Plots", a contour plot of a z-value (such amount of fuel required) over a range of Earth departure date x-values and Mars arrival date y-values.

Since I needed dates on both x and y axes, it was useful for me to factor out the date locator/formatter selection code from plot_date() into two Axes methods: xaxis_date() and yaxis_date().

The plot_date() implementation then becomes just a call to plot() followed by a call to xaxis_date().

My current implementation is below. Is this general-purpose enough for me to submit? If so, I'll make up some diff files and mail them in.




def xaxis_date(self, tz=None):
   """Choose date ticks and labels for the x-axis.

   - tz The timezone to use in plotting the dates.
                Defaults to rc value.

   span = self.dataLim.intervalx().span()
   locator, formatter = self.chooseDateFmt( span, tz )

def yaxis_date(self, tz=None):
   """Choose date ticks and labels for the y-axis.

   - tz The timezone to use in plotting the dates.
                Defaults to rc value.

   span = self.dataLim.intervaly().span()
   locator, formatter = self.chooseDateFmt( span, tz )

def chooseDateFmt(self, span, tz=None):
   """Chooses an appropriate date formatter and tick locator for a span.

   - span The span of the plot data.
   - tz The timezone to use in plotting the dates.
                Defaults to rc value.

   - A tuple of ( locator, formatter ) for the input span.

   # The code below was copied from Axes.plot_date().

   if span==0:
      span = SEC_PER_HOUR

   minutes = span*24*60
   hours = span*24
   days = span
   weeks = span/7.
   months = span/31. # approx
   years = span/365.

   numticks = 5
   if years>numticks:
       locator = YearLocator(int(years/numticks), tz=tz) # define
       fmt = '%Y'
   elif months>numticks:
       locator = MonthLocator(tz=tz)
       fmt = '%b %Y'
   elif weeks>numticks:
       locator = WeekdayLocator(tz=tz)
       fmt = '%a, %b %d'
   elif days>numticks:
       locator = DayLocator(interval=math.ceil(days/numticks), tz=tz)
       fmt = '%b %d'
   elif hours>numticks:
       locator = HourLocator(interval=math.ceil(hours/numticks), tz=tz)
       fmt = '%H:%M\n%b %d'
   elif minutes>numticks:
       locator = MinuteLocator(interval=math.ceil(minutes/numticks), tz=tz)
       fmt = '%H:%M:%S'
       locator = MinuteLocator(tz=tz)
       fmt = '%H:%M:%S'

   formatter = DateFormatter(fmt, tz=tz)

   return locator, formatter

  Michael Brady Phone: 818-354-4957
  Jet Propulsion Laboratory (M/S 301-140L) Fax: 818-393-6388
  4800 Oak Grove Drive
  Pasadena, CA 91109 E-mail: Michael.Brady@...179...