applying format to numbering


It's me again ... I still do not find my way out of the problem on how I can apply a format to the numbering of an axis. I am using the WXAgg backend and this is my code:

font = FontProperties()
self.font = font.copy()

<snip>and then a function plot_data:

def plot_data(self):
      a = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
    for x,y in zip(self.active_datasets,linestyles):
      if len(self.datasets)==1: a.set_title('Spatial Distribution of %s' % x.attributes['name'], fontproperties=self.font, horizontalalignment='right')
      if self.log_intensity:
        a.set_ylabel(r'$log_{10} \rm{(Intensity [counts])}$', fontproperties=self.font) a.set_xlabel(r'$\rm{channels}$', fontproperties=self.font)

Now, how can I apply the font to the subplot? In order to illustrate the problem a little bit better, I attached a part of a screen shot.
Here, with just one single subplot there is actually no problem and the plot would look absolutely stunning witht the default font. But with more than one subplot in the panel there is just not enough space to display all labels and the numbering on my screen.

I guess the solution is not half as complicated than the things I've tried. But since it is not really obvious to me, I am willing to contribute an example to this topic if there is not already one. Are there guidelines on how to file examples?



Meesters, Christian wrote:

It's me again ... I still do not find my way out of the problem on how I can

> apply a format to the numbering of an axis. I am using the WXAgg backend and
> this is my code:

It sounds like you tring to change the formatting of the tick labels of the axes. I believe that the RC parameter `tick.labelsize' will do the trick if this is all you need. There are doubtless a slew of other tick-related options.

If you're trying to do something more complicated, like setup complicated font properties for the labels, the following approach might work.

def fontify_ticks(axes, fp):
  xticks = axes.xaxis.get_major_ticks() + axes.xaxis.get_minor_ticks()
  yticks = axes.yaxis.get_major_ticks() + axes.yaxis.get_minor_ticks()
  for t in xticks + yticks:
    t.label1.set_fontproperties(fp) # outer/upper tick label
    t.label2.set_fontproperties(fp) # inner/lower tick label

I hope this helps.
