$HOME=/home/mdroe CONFIGDIR=/home/mdroe/.matplotlib matplotlib data path /home/mdroe/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data loaded rc file /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc matplotlib version 0.98.6svn verbose.level debug interactive is False units is False platform is linux2 loaded modules: ['_bisect', 'xml.sax.urlparse', 'distutils', 'matplotlib.errno', 'matplotlib.matplotlib', 'subprocess', 'xml._xmlplus', 'gc', 'matplotlib.tempfile', 'distutils.sysconfig', 'ctypes._endian', 'encodings.encodings', 'matplotlib.colors', 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'numpy.testing.sys', 'numpy.core.info', 'xml', 'numpy.fft.types', 'numpy.ma.operator', 'numpy.ma.cPickle', 'struct', 'numpy.random.info', 'tempfile', 'pprint', 'numpy.linalg', 'matplotlib.threading', 'numpy.testing.operator', 'imp', 'numpy.testing', 'collections', 'numpy.core.umath', 'distutils.types', 'numpy.lib.numpy', 'numpy.core.scalarmath', 'zipimport', 'string', 'matplotlib.subprocess', 'numpy.testing.os', 'matplotlib.locale', 'numpy.lib.arraysetops', 'numpy.testing.unittest', 'numpy.lib.math', 'repr', 'matplotlib.__future__', 'datetime', 'numpy.testing.re', 'numpy.version', 'numpy.lib.re', 'distutils.re', 'ctypes.os', 'numpy.core.os', 'numpy.lib.type_check', 'httplib', 'bisect', 'numpy.core._internal', 'signal', 'cmd', 'numpy.lib.types', 'numpy.lib._datasource', 'random', 'numpy.ma.extras', 'token', 'numpy.fft.fftpack_lite', 'matplotlib.cbook', 'ctypes.ctypes', 'xml.sax.xmlreader', 'numpy.__builtin__', 'dis', 'distutils.version', 'cStringIO', 'numpy.ma.core', 'numpy.numpy', 'matplotlib.StringIO', 'locale', 'numpy.add_newdocs', 'numpy.lib.getlimits', 'base64', 'xml.sax.saxlib', 'matplotlib.numpy', 'numpy.testing.types', 'numpy.lib.sys', 'encodings', 'numpy.ma.itertools', 'StringIO', 'numpy.lib.io', 'numpy.imp', 'bdb', 'numpy.testing.decorators', 'matplotlib.warnings', 'rfc822', 'matplotlib.string', 'urllib', 'matplotlib.sys', 're', 'numpy.lib._compiled_base', 'threading', 'numpy.random.mtrand', 'math', 'numpy.fft.helper', 'fcntl', 'numpy.ma.warnings', 'inspect', 'numpy.ma.inspect', 'UserDict', 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'distutils.os', 'matplotlib', 'numpy.core.types', 'fnmatch', 'numpy.lib.info', 'ctypes', '_xmlplus', 'ctypes.struct', 'codecs', 'numpy.core._sort', 'numpy.os', '_locale', 'matplotlib.sre_constants', 'matplotlib.os', 'thread', 'numpy.lib.ufunclike', 'numpy.core.memmap', 'traceback', 'numpy.testing.warnings', 'xml.sax.sax2exts', 'weakref', 'itertools', 'numpy.fft.fftpack', 'opcode', 'numpy.testing.imp', 'numpy.linalg.lapack_lite', 'distutils.sys', 'os', 'marshal', 'numpy.lib.warnings', 'xml.sax.saxexts', '__future__', 'matplotlib.copy', 'xml.sax.types', 'numpy.random.numpy', '_sre', 'unittest', 'numpy.core.sys', 'numpy.random', 'numpy.linalg.numpy', '__builtin__', 'numpy.lib.twodim_base', 'matplotlib.re', 'numpy.core.cPickle', 'operator', 'numpy.testing.parametric', 'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'distutils.string', 'numpy.lib.arrayterator', 'select', 'ctypes._ctypes', 'ctypes.sys', '_sha512', 'posixpath', 'numpy.lib.financial', 'numpy.core.multiarray', 'errno', '_socket', 'binascii', 'sre_constants', '_sha256', 'numpy.ma', 'xml.sax.handler', 'types', 'tokenize', '_ctypes', 'numpy.lib.stride_tricks', 'numpy.core.numpy', 'numpy', 'matplotlib.types', 'numpy.core.defmatrix', 'xml.sax.os', 'cPickle', 'matplotlib.xml', 'xml.sax.string', '_codecs', 'numpy.lib.operator', 'matplotlib.traceback', 'numpy.__config__', 'matplotlib.pyparsing', 'numpy.ma.numpy', 'copy', 'numpy.core.re', '_struct', '_types', 'numpy.core.fromnumeric', 'hashlib', 'numpy.ctypeslib', 'numpy.lib.scimath', 'numpy.fft', 'numpy.lib', 'xml.sax.saxutils', 'posix', 'encodings.aliases', 'matplotlib.fontconfig_pattern', 'exceptions', 'sre_parse', 'pickle', 'numpy.core.cStringIO', 'numpy.core.ctypes', 'mimetools', 'distutils.distutils', 'copy_reg', 'sre_compile', 'xml.sax', '_hashlib', '_random', 'numpy.lib.itertools', 'numpy.lib.__future__', 'site', 'numpy.lib.polynomial', 'numpy._import_tools', 'numpy.core.copy_reg', 'xml.sax.urllib2', 'xml.sys', '__main__', 'numpy.fft.info', 'numpy.core.records', 'shutil', 'numpy.lib.cPickle', 'numpy.sys', 'matplotlib.weakref', 'numpy.testing.traceback', 'strop', 'numpy.testing.numpytest', 'numpy.core.numeric', 'numpy.linalg.info', 'encodings.codecs', 'numpy.core.__svn_version__', 'numpy.ctypes', 'numpy.core', 'matplotlib.rcsetup', 'matplotlib.time', 'xml.sax._exceptions', 'xml.sax.codecs', 'stat', '_ssl', 'numpy.lib.utils', 'numpy.lib.index_tricks', 'warnings', 'encodings.types', 'numpy.core.defchararray', 'glob', 'numpy.lib.shape_base', 'urllib2', 'numpy.fft.numpy', 'encodings.utf_8', 'sys', 'numpy.core.warnings', 'socket', 'numpy.core.__builtin__', 'xml.sax.sys', 'numpy.lib.format', 'numpy.lib.os', 'numpy.testing.nosetester', 'os.path', 'sitecustomize', 'numpy.lib.shutil', 'matplotlib.datetime', 'matplotlib.distutils', '_weakref', 'distutils.errors', 'pdb', 'urlparse', 'linecache', 'matplotlib.shutil', 'numpy.lib.cStringIO', 'time', 'numpy.lib.machar', 'numpy.testing.numpy', 'numpy.linalg.linalg', 'numpy.testing.utils'] Using fontManager instance from /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/fontList.cache backend Agg version v2.2 Found dvipng version 1.9 Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/c5383a18897d5b8dd569836a32b6a2df.dvi Dvi._xxx: encountered special: ps::-32891 -32891 32891 32891 568190 163968 611836 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...683...(11.84)def Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/preview-bop-level 0 def/bop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 le{/isls false def/vsize 792 def/hsize 612 def}if 1 add store}bind def/eop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 gt{1 sub}if store}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...684... true def (compatibility PostScript comment for dvipng<=1.5 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice//bop-hook exec}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict (some extra code to avoid dvipng>=1.6 unknown special: 7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div })) pop Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{preview-bop-level 0 le{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice}if//bop-hook exec}bind def end find_tex_file(phvr7t.tfm): ['kpsewhich', 'phvr7t.tfm'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/helvetic/phvr7t.tfm opening tfm file /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/helvetic/phvr7t.tfm lh=18, bc=0, ec=170, nw=17, nh=16, nd=16 find_tex_file(phvr7t.vf): ['kpsewhich', 'phvr7t.vf'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/vf/adobe/helvetic/phvr7t.vf Dvi: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/vf/adobe/helvetic/phvr7t.vf find_tex_file(phvr8r.tfm): ['kpsewhich', 'phvr8r.tfm'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/helvetic/phvr8r.tfm opening tfm file /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/helvetic/phvr8r.tfm lh=18, bc=1, ec=255, nw=30, nh=16, nd=16 find_tex_file(phvr8r.vf): ['kpsewhich', 'phvr8r.vf'] find_tex_file result: Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `Gamma' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `Delta' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `Theta' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `Lambda' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `Xi' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `Pi' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `Sigma' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `Upsilon' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `Phi' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `Psi' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `Omega' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `dotlessj' Dvi._xxx: encountered special: Warning: missing glyph `lslashslash' Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/7a59d423c023363021a71b5673421da6.dvi find_tex_file(ptmr8r.tfm): ['kpsewhich', 'ptmr8r.tfm'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/times/ptmr8r.tfm opening tfm file /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/times/ptmr8r.tfm lh=18, bc=1, ec=255, nw=34, nh=16, nd=16 find_tex_file(ptmr8r.vf): ['kpsewhich', 'ptmr8r.vf'] find_tex_file result: Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/7a59d423c023363021a71b5673421da6.dvi Assigning font /F1 = ptmr8r find_tex_file(pdftex.map): ['kpsewhich', 'pdftex.map'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/pdftex.map find_tex_file(8r.enc): ['kpsewhich', '8r.enc'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/dvips/psnfss/8r.enc Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/c5383a18897d5b8dd569836a32b6a2df.dvi Dvi._xxx: encountered special: ps::-32891 -32891 32891 32891 568190 163968 611836 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...683...(11.84)def Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/preview-bop-level 0 def/bop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 le{/isls false def/vsize 792 def/hsize 612 def}if 1 add store}bind def/eop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 gt{1 sub}if store}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...684... true def (compatibility PostScript comment for dvipng<=1.5 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice//bop-hook exec}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict (some extra code to avoid dvipng>=1.6 unknown special: 7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div })) pop Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{preview-bop-level 0 le{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice}if//bop-hook exec}bind def end Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/af2bfdc5788d0122a5bcad782c83de15.dvi find_tex_file(ptmri8r.tfm): ['kpsewhich', 'ptmri8r.tfm'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/times/ptmri8r.tfm opening tfm file /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/times/ptmri8r.tfm lh=18, bc=1, ec=255, nw=33, nh=16, nd=16 find_tex_file(ptmri8r.vf): ['kpsewhich', 'ptmri8r.vf'] find_tex_file result: Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/af2bfdc5788d0122a5bcad782c83de15.dvi Assigning font /F2 = ptmri8r find_tex_file(8r.enc): ['kpsewhich', '8r.enc'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/dvips/psnfss/8r.enc Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/c5383a18897d5b8dd569836a32b6a2df.dvi Dvi._xxx: encountered special: ps::-32891 -32891 32891 32891 568190 163968 611836 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...683...(11.84)def Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/preview-bop-level 0 def/bop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 le{/isls false def/vsize 792 def/hsize 612 def}if 1 add store}bind def/eop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 gt{1 sub}if store}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...684... true def (compatibility PostScript comment for dvipng<=1.5 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice//bop-hook exec}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict (some extra code to avoid dvipng>=1.6 unknown special: 7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div })) pop Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{preview-bop-level 0 le{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice}if//bop-hook exec}bind def end Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/54dcf61710bfd2b42450c30cead58858.dvi find_tex_file(ptmro8r.tfm): ['kpsewhich', 'ptmro8r.tfm'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/times/ptmro8r.tfm opening tfm file /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/times/ptmro8r.tfm lh=18, bc=1, ec=255, nw=34, nh=16, nd=16 find_tex_file(ptmro8r.vf): ['kpsewhich', 'ptmro8r.vf'] find_tex_file result: Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/54dcf61710bfd2b42450c30cead58858.dvi Assigning font /F3 = ptmro8r find_tex_file(utmr8a.pfb): ['kpsewhich', 'utmr8a.pfb'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb find_tex_file(8r.enc): ['kpsewhich', '8r.enc'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/dvips/psnfss/8r.enc Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/c5383a18897d5b8dd569836a32b6a2df.dvi Dvi._xxx: encountered special: ps::-32891 -32891 32891 32891 568190 163968 611836 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...683...(11.84)def Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/preview-bop-level 0 def/bop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 le{/isls false def/vsize 792 def/hsize 612 def}if 1 add store}bind def/eop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 gt{1 sub}if store}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...684... true def (compatibility PostScript comment for dvipng<=1.5 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice//bop-hook exec}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict (some extra code to avoid dvipng>=1.6 unknown special: 7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div })) pop Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{preview-bop-level 0 le{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice}if//bop-hook exec}bind def end Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/01db459b64bc8c1a8a240aa507c07c07.dvi find_tex_file(ptmr8rn.tfm): ['kpsewhich', 'ptmr8rn.tfm'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/times/ptmr8rn.tfm opening tfm file /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/times/ptmr8rn.tfm lh=17, bc=1, ec=255, nw=34, nh=16, nd=16 find_tex_file(ptmr8rn.vf): ['kpsewhich', 'ptmr8rn.vf'] find_tex_file result: Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/01db459b64bc8c1a8a240aa507c07c07.dvi Assigning font /F4 = ptmr8rn find_tex_file(utmr8a.pfb): ['kpsewhich', 'utmr8a.pfb'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb find_tex_file(8r.enc): ['kpsewhich', '8r.enc'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/dvips/psnfss/8r.enc Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/c5383a18897d5b8dd569836a32b6a2df.dvi Dvi._xxx: encountered special: ps::-32891 -32891 32891 32891 568190 163968 611836 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...683...(11.84)def Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/preview-bop-level 0 def/bop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 le{/isls false def/vsize 792 def/hsize 612 def}if 1 add store}bind def/eop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 gt{1 sub}if store}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...684... true def (compatibility PostScript comment for dvipng<=1.5 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice//bop-hook exec}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict (some extra code to avoid dvipng>=1.6 unknown special: 7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div })) pop Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{preview-bop-level 0 le{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice}if//bop-hook exec}bind def end Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/b99746c4461071bfa989a427278eca3b.dvi find_tex_file(ptmrr8re.tfm): ['kpsewhich', 'ptmrr8re.tfm'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/times/ptmrr8re.tfm opening tfm file /usr/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/adobe/times/ptmrr8re.tfm lh=17, bc=1, ec=255, nw=34, nh=16, nd=16 find_tex_file(ptmrr8re.vf): ['kpsewhich', 'ptmrr8re.vf'] find_tex_file result: Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/b99746c4461071bfa989a427278eca3b.dvi Assigning font /F5 = ptmrr8re find_tex_file(utmr8a.pfb): ['kpsewhich', 'utmr8a.pfb'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb find_tex_file(8r.enc): ['kpsewhich', '8r.enc'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/dvips/psnfss/8r.enc Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/9047c8b350715aee5575be5837ef58f9.dvi Dvi._xxx: encountered special: ps::-32891 -32891 32891 32891 681828 196761 734203 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...683...(11.84)def Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/preview-bop-level 0 def/bop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 le{/isls false def/vsize 792 def/hsize 612 def}if 1 add store}bind def/eop-hook{/preview-bop-level dup load dup 0 gt{1 sub}if store}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !/preview@...684... true def (compatibility PostScript comment for dvipng<=1.5 Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice//bop-hook exec}bind def end Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict (some extra code to avoid dvipng>=1.6 unknown special: 7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div })) pop Dvi._xxx: encountered special: !userdict begin/bop-hook{preview-bop-level 0 le{7{currentfile token not{stop}if 65781.76 div DVImag mul}repeat 72 add 72 2 copy gt{exch}if 4 2 roll neg 2 copy lt{exch}if dup 0 gt{pop 0 exch}{exch dup 0 lt{pop 0}if}ifelse 720 add exch 720 add 3 1 roll 4{5 -1 roll add 4 1 roll}repeat <>setpagedevice}if//bop-hook exec}bind def end Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/f41a13fded8e24c937c978317b0450a3.dvi Dvi: /home/mdroe/.matplotlib/tex.cache/f41a13fded8e24c937c978317b0450a3.dvi Assigning font /F6 = phvr8r find_tex_file(8r.enc): ['kpsewhich', '8r.enc'] find_tex_file result: /usr/share/texmf/dvips/psnfss/8r.enc Embedding font ptmrr8re Writing Type-1 font Embedding ptmrr8re which is the Type 1 font /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb with encoding /usr/share/texmf/dvips/psnfss/8r.enc and effects {} Embedding font ptmr8rn Writing Type-1 font Embedding ptmr8rn which is the Type 1 font /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb with encoding /usr/share/texmf/dvips/psnfss/8r.enc and effects {} Embedding font ptmro8r Writing Type-1 font Embedding ptmro8r which is the Type 1 font /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/times/utmr8a.pfb with encoding /usr/share/texmf/dvips/psnfss/8r.enc and effects {} Embedding font phvr8r Writing Type-1 font Embedding phvr8r which is the Type 1 font (none) with encoding /usr/share/texmf/dvips/psnfss/8r.enc and effects {} Traceback (most recent call last): File "usetex_fonteffects.py", line 22, in pylab.savefig('usetex_fonteffects.pdf') File "/home/mdroe/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.py", line 345, in savefig return fig.savefig(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/mdroe/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/figure.py", line 990, in savefig self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/mdroe/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", line 1429, in print_figure **kwargs) File "/home/mdroe/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/backend_bases.py", line 1323, in print_pdf return pdf.print_pdf(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/mdroe/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", line 1911, in print_pdf file.close() File "/home/mdroe/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", line 440, in close self.writeFonts() File "/home/mdroe/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", line 521, in writeFonts fontdictObject = self.embedType1(filename, self.dviFontInfo[filename]) File "/home/mdroe/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_pdf.py", line 553, in embedType1 t1font = type1font.Type1Font(fontinfo.fontfile) File "/home/mdroe/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/type1font.py", line 55, in __init__ file = open(input, 'rb') TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found