xerrorbars and xyerrorbars commands

Hi John,
I've implemented xerrorbars and xyerrorbars commands.
I did this by adding two extra functions to the matplot.py rev 1.25
Your code makes it trivial.
As matlab seems not to have x or xy-errorbars, I took my inspiration from
Gnuplot when deciding whether to implement the different versions as
separate commands or as different formats of parameters to errorbars
command. However, since I haven't discussed this with you and just went
ahead and did it, I'll just provide the diffs here (and email you the
matplot.py file offlist to save you patching it).
Also, the xyerrorbars function just naively wraps the errorbars and
xerrorbars functions. This means that the plot symbol is rendered twice for
each point which is probably not ideal. If you see this as a problem, I can
redo it - let me know.
On the same topic, I see you just changed the bar end size ratio from 0.005
to 0.001.
The bar ends are now quite small and I don't think 0.005 was excessive, so
I'd be inclined to revert it back although I guess you had a reason.
Gnuplot makes the bar end size a settable parameter which would be a better
solution IMHO.

---8<---Cut here---8<---


    xerrorbar - make an errorbar graph (errors along x-axis)
    xyerrorbar - make an errorbar graph (errors along both axes )

< 'figure', 'gca', 'gcf', 'close' ]



     'figure', 'gca', 'gcf', 'close', 'xerrorbar', 'xyerrorbar' ]

< def errorbar(x, y, e, u=None, fmt='b-'):

def xyerrorbar(x, y, e, f, u=None, v=None, fmt='b-'):
    Plot x versus y with x-error bars in e and y-error bars in f.
    If u is not None, then u gives the upper x-error bars and e gives the


    x-error bars.
    Otherwise the error bars are symmetric about y and given in the array


    If v is not None, then v gives the upper y-error bars and f gives the


    y-error bars.
    Otherwise the error bars are symmetric about x and given in the array


    fmt is the plot format symbol for the x,y point

    Return value is a length 2 tuple. The first element is a list of
    y symbol lines. The second element is a list of error bar lines.

    errorbar(x, y, e, u, fmt)
    xerrorbar(x, y, f, v, fmt)

def xerrorbar(x, y, e, u=None, fmt='b-'):
    Plot x versus y with error bars in e. if u is not None, then u
    gives the left error bars and e gives the right error bars.
    Otherwise the error bars are symmetric about x and given in the
    array e.

    fmt is the plot format symbol for y

    Return value is a length 2 tuple. The first element is a list of
    y symbol lines. The second element is a list of error bar lines.


    l0 = plot(x,y,fmt)

    e = asarray(e)
    if u is None: u = e
    right = x+u
    left = x-e
    height = (max(y)-min(y))*0.001
    a = gca()
        l1 = a.hlines(y, x, left)
        l2 = a.hlines(y, x, right)
        l3 = a.vlines(right, y-height, y+height)
        l4 = a.vlines(left, y-height, y+height)
    except ValueError, msg:
        msg = raise_msg_to_str(msg)
        raise RuntimeError, msg

    return (l0, l1)


def errorbar(x, y, e, u=None, fmt='b-'):