Wish I were a Matplotlib User


I have been using Python as a precision extended Calculator. This works great!

I am learning to program Python, it is a powerful langurge,

but I am not a power programmer.

It would be nice to be able to be a better programmer, I would like that!

but I only want to use Python to generate and plot data!

I write programs only to help me with my work.

Python is installed on a Widows XP machine at C:\Program Files\Python

Also installed is the Python enthought edition at C:\Python23

I use the Idle shell GUI to write, edit, and run Python programs.

I do not run or use Python from the dos command line.

For linear x-axis data, I used a range(42) Python statement

to create successive integers, (0 to 41) for my x array (list) data.

I also have 20 y-axis data arrays (Lists) of 42 elements of floating point data,

I want to plot one or more of these sets of y-axis data (log or semilog)

with 60 decades of y-axis display, precision floating point data

with values from 1e-30 to 1e+30 range.

(This large range results from particle energy, frequency, capacitance, etc. data

plotted on the same scale)

I have not been able to do any simple plotting

because I can’t get matplotlib and Python to work together.

I get lost trying to discover if my problem is a path problem, install directory problem,

backend and Idle GUI conflict., etc. I have installed and uninstalled several times.

Is there a working executable install available that already has a everythin?

Compatible GUI, rendering engine, etc and all the neccessary stuff already selected?

If not, is there somewhre a list definitely compatible components,

and a list of steps to follow, that will definitely result

in a working marriage of Python and Matplotlib?

Yes I have been trying to read doccumentation, FAQ, etc.

but I can’t quite put it all together.

Thanks for any help.that anyone can give.

Hubert Fitch wrote

If not, is there somewhre a list definitely compatible components,
and a list of steps to follow, that will definitely result
in a working marriage of Python and Matplotlib?

Yes I have been trying to read doccumentation, FAQ, etc.
but I can't quite put it all together.

Thanks for any help.that anyone can give.

Do note that if you are using IDLE, the only backend you can reliably use is
TkAgg (and this is noted in the documentation). Also note that it requires
starting IDLE with a special switch (-n). See


Under tht Tkinter GUI backend heading.

Note that generally use of an application that uses a GUI toolkit (i.e.
IDLE) generally will not work in the same process with a different GUI
toolkit. Since IDLE uses Tkinter, you need to use the TkAgg backend only.
This is not a Python issue but a GUI issue.

Perry Greenfield