what means to change 'shape' of pcolor data arrays?

I'm still confused about 'shape' attribute of
arrays used to make a pcolor plot.

Suppose you have xarray, yarray and zarray.
The 'shape' of the plot is determined by
the max and min values of each dimension.
Hence you can't really change the 'shape'
of a plot drastically.

Therefore, what does it mean when we set and
later change the 'shape' attribute of these
data arrays?

It seems you should not be allowed to do this
and/or perhaps shape should be calculated




Christian Seberino, Ph.D.
SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego
Code 2872
49258 Mills Street, Room 158
San Diego, CA 92152-5385

Phone: (619) 553-9973
Fax : (619) 553-6521
Email: seberino@...391...