ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (15,) and (4,)

i am having issues presenting this code as 4 graphs since i keep getting this error can anyone point out where im going wrong
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
I=int(input("input your desired interval "))
D1=[(0-x)**2 for x in range(0, 150,I)]
D2=[(50-x)**2 for x in range(0, 150,I)]
D3=[(100-x)**2 for x in range(0, 150,I)]
D4=[(150-x)**2 for x in range(0, 150,I)]

h=400 #h=20 and this is 20**2
q=ch #1000400

r1 = [element + h for element in D1]
a1 = [element**1.5 for element in r1]
intensity1 = np.array([q/element for element in a1])

r2 = [element + h for element in D2]
a2 = [element**1.5 for element in r2]
intensity2 = np.array([q/element for element in a2])

r3 = [element + h for element in D3]
a3 = [element**1.5 for element in r3]
intensity3 = np.array([q/element for element in a3])

r4 = [element + h for element in D4]
a4 = [element**1.5 for element in r4]
intensity4 = np.array([q/element for element in a4])
print("the illumination intensity at every inteval for the 1st lamp: ",intensity1)
print("the illumination intensity at every inteval for the 2nd lamp: ",intensity2)
print("the illumination intensity at every inteval for the 3rd lamp: ",intensity3)
print("the illumination intensity at every inteval for the 4th lamp: ",intensity4)

plt.plot(intensity1, Distance)
plt.xlabel(’ intensity1(cd)’)
plt.ylabel(’ Distance(m)’)

plt.plot(intensity2, Distance)
plt.xlabel(’ intensity2(cd)’)
plt.ylabel(’ Distance(m)’)

plt.plot(intensity3, Distance)
plt.xlabel(’ intensity3(cd)’)
plt.ylabel(’ Distance(m)’)

plt.plot(intensity4, Distance)
plt.xlabel(’ intensity4(cd)’)
plt.ylabel(’ Distance(m)’)

This is pretty clearly length 4.

And this is pretty clearly not, unless you pick just the right value of I.