TTF subsetting in PDF

"John Hunter" <jdh2358@...149...> writes:

The comparison is just over the PDF files, old way (Truetype embedding)
vs. new way (Type 3 subsetting).

This must be dominated by some weird outliers. I'm seeing great
results with the canonical "simple_plot"

-rw-r--r-- 1 johnh research 19352 Jul 10 12:11
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnh research 144227 Jul 10 12:11

Probably the difference is just that you are comparing PS files while
Michael was comparing PDF files, where the internal gzip compression
reduces the file size. Even in PDF files you can get large gains if you
use several different fonts (which can easily happen with math formulas)
or you have very big fonts (such as some fonts that come with Mac OS X).

I'm seeing a bug on OS X, whose file system is by default
case-preserving but not case-sensitive:

458 -> fontdictObject = self.embedTTF(
459 filename, self.used_characters[filename])

Here self.used_characters has a key starting with '/Users/jks/...' but
filename is '/users/jks/...'. I'm not sure how to fix this cleanly.
I though os.path.normcase would help, but it doesn't:

normcase('/users'); normcase('/Users')


In any case, excellent work!

Yes, very good! This is a much-needed feature for the PS and PDF


On 7/10/07, Michael Droettboom <mdroe@...31...> wrote:

Jouni K. Sepp�nen

Jouni K. Sepp�nen wrote:

"John Hunter" <jdh2358@...149...> writes:

I'm seeing a bug on OS X, whose file system is by default
case-preserving but not case-sensitive:

458 -> fontdictObject = self.embedTTF(
459 filename, self.used_characters[filename])

Here self.used_characters has a key starting with '/Users/jks/...' but
filename is '/users/jks/...'. I'm not sure how to fix this cleanly. I though os.path.normcase would help, but it doesn't:

Thanks for that. The Ps backend has the same problem. I'll do a little research and see what a common solution to this might be.



On 7/10/07, Michael Droettboom <mdroe@...31...> wrote:

Michael Droettboom wrote:

Jouni K. Sepp�nen wrote:

"John Hunter" <jdh2358@...149...> writes:

I'm seeing a bug on OS X, whose file system is by default
case-preserving but not case-sensitive:

458 -> fontdictObject = self.embedTTF(
459 filename, self.used_characters[filename])

Here self.used_characters has a key starting with '/Users/jks/...' but
filename is '/users/jks/...'. I'm not sure how to fix this cleanly. I though os.path.normcase would help, but it doesn't:

Thanks for that. The Ps backend has the same problem. I'll do a little research and see what a common solution to this might be.

I changed the code to use the file's (st_ino, st_dev) pair as a key, rather than the path. This is cached to prevent lots of little stat calls. This approach is reported to work on "Macintosh, Unix, and Windows", but I've only tested on Linux and OS-X. Please let me know if it solves your issue.

Along the way, I found an interesting discussion about why normcase does what it does on OS-X. (Summary: because file names are case sensitive on OS-X, but not the default HFS+ filesystem that Macs ship with as their System volume.)



On 7/10/07, Michael Droettboom <mdroe@...31...> wrote:


The attached file illustrates masking failure in a very simple case; you can see masking working in the plot on the left, where a contour intersects the masked region, but when that contour level is removed the masked region is getting filled in.

The file is slightly modified from the one in the mpl examples directory, and shows a failure of masking in a more complicated setting. The masked region at the lower-left corner is correct, but the masked region in the middle of the plot is getting filled with gray instead of being left blank.

In cntr.c there is a function, print_Csite, that may be helpful for debugging the simplest case, where the array size is not too large.

Note that the code path for filled contours is quite different, and more complicated, than for line contours--and in fact, even neglecting branch cuts, the two code paths don't always yield the same contours.

cntr.c is somewhat unusual among contour algorithms in that it works with rectangles without subdividing them into triangles.

Eric (1.5 KB) (2.24 KB)


Thanks for the scripts -- they make it quite clear what the problem is.

As you know, cntr.c is a fairly opaque chunk of code, and I'm not having much luck so far tracking down why the branch-cutting between the outer and inner polygons is not working.

In the meantime, I have some more general questions.

It looks like that the backend API isn't really set up to do compound paths. The PolygonCollection class appears to be just a list of simple polygons, rather than something that could be used for compound paths. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) Is the only reason for wanting branch cuts in contours because matplotlib doesn't support compound paths? Is there a reason matplotlib doesn't support compound paths? I suspect you guys have been down that "path" [haha] already. I would anticipate problems if different backends have different winding rules, but perhaps there are some ways to around that? This could be useful in general in matplotlib...

Another option is to remove the mask from the contours in a post-processing step (i.e. don't worry about trying to do it as part of the main two passes in cntr.c). The result may be a bit of a Frankenstein's monster, admittedly, but it is an option of last resort if we choose to take it. cntr.c is creating the inner and outer polygons correctly, just not connecting them with a slit, right?

In the meantime, I'll continue to look for the root cause.


Eric Firing wrote:



The attached file illustrates masking failure in a very simple case; you can see masking working in the plot on the left, where a contour intersects the masked region, but when that contour level is removed the masked region is getting filled in.

The file is slightly modified from the one in the mpl examples directory, and shows a failure of masking in a more complicated setting. The masked region at the lower-left corner is correct, but the masked region in the middle of the plot is getting filled with gray instead of being left blank.

In cntr.c there is a function, print_Csite, that may be helpful for debugging the simplest case, where the array size is not too large.

Note that the code path for filled contours is quite different, and more complicated, than for line contours--and in fact, even neglecting branch cuts, the two code paths don't always yield the same contours.

cntr.c is somewhat unusual among contour algorithms in that it works with rectangles without subdividing them into triangles.


#!/usr/bin/env python
This is a very simple illustration of what is causing
the problem with masked interior regions for filled contours.
The exterior contour and the interior contour are being
separated into two polygons instead of being joined by the
branch cut.
import sys
from pylab import *
import matplotlib.numerix.npyma as ma
rc('figure', dpi=120)

x = y = arange(5)
X, Y = meshgrid(x, y)
Z = Y

ax = (0,4,0,4)

badmask = zeros(shape(X))

badmask[2, 2] = 1

Z = ma.array(Z, mask=badmask)
print Z

CS = contourf(X, Y, Z, (-0.1, 0.8, 2.0, 6.0),
                        colors=('r', 'g', 'b'))

title('Masked correctly')

CS = contourf(X, Y, Z, (-0.1, 0.8, 6.0),
                        colors=('r', 'b'))

title('Wrong: masked region filled')
print "len(CS.collections)", len(CS.collections)

colls = CS.collections

# We want to look at the actual polygons individually.
for i, coll in enumerate(colls):
    print "level ", i
    for j, T in enumerate(coll._verts):
        print "polygon ", j
        print T

# The second collection has two polygons, but should only have
# one; the two should be joined by a branch cut.



#!/usr/bin/env python
from pylab import *
import matplotlib.numerix.npyma as ma
origin = 'lower'
#origin = 'upper'

test_masking = True # There is a bug in filled contour masking.

if test_masking:
    # Use a coarse grid so only a few masked points are needed.
    delta = 0.5
    delta = 0.025

x = y = arange(-3.0, 3.01, delta)
X, Y = meshgrid(x, y)
Z1 = bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Z2 = bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1.5, 0.5, 1, 1)
Z = 10 * (Z1 - Z2)

# interior badmask doesn't work yet for filled contours
if test_masking:
    badmask = zeros(shape(Z))

    badmask[5,5] = 1
    badmask[5,6] = 1
    Z[5,5] = 0
    Z[5,6] = 0

    badmask[0,0] = 1
    Z[0,0] = 0
    Z = ma.array(Z, mask=badmask)

# We are using automatic selection of contour levels;
# this is usually not such a good idea, because they don't
# occur on nice boundaries, but we do it here for purposes
# of illustration.
CS = contourf(X, Y, Z, 10, # [-1, -0.1, 0, 0.1],

# Note that in the following, we explicitly pass in a subset of
# the contour levels used for the filled contours. Alternatively,
# We could pass in additional levels to provide extra resolution.

CS2 = contour(X, Y, Z, CS.levels[::2],
                        colors = 'r',

xlabel('word length anomaly')
ylabel('sentence length anomaly')

# Make a colorbar for the ContourSet returned by the contourf call.
cbar = colorbar(CS)'verbosity coefficient')
# Add the contour line levels to the colorbar


# Now make a contour plot with the levels specified,
# and with the colormap generated automatically from a list
# of colors.
levels = [-2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5]
CS3 = contourf(X, Y, Z, levels,
                        colors = ('r', 'g', 'b'),

CS4 = contour(X, Y, Z, levels,
                       colors = ('k',),
                       linewidths = (3,),
                       origin = origin)
title('Listed colors')
clabel(CS4, fmt = '%2.1f', colors = 'w', fontsize=14)


Actually we haven't. In fact, paths have been a fairly recent
addition to mpl. The drawing model is based on GTK, which did not
have paths at the time. The renderer API is basically the GTK API,
and all the other backends simply implement the GTK drawing model. In
the early days, there was only a GTK backend....

So one reason why the backends are a bit of a kludge is because we
have tried to throw some extra stuff into the GTK drawing model as an
afterthough. We could redo all the collection stuff w/ compounds



On 7/12/07, Michael Droettboom <mdroe@...31...> wrote:

It looks like that the backend API isn't really set up to do compound
paths. The PolygonCollection class appears to be just a list of simple
polygons, rather than something that could be used for compound paths.
(Correct me if I'm wrong.) Is the only reason for wanting branch cuts
in contours because matplotlib doesn't support compound paths? Is there
a reason matplotlib doesn't support compound paths? I suspect you guys
have been down that "path" [haha] already. I would anticipate problems
if different backends have different winding rules, but perhaps there
are some ways to around that? This could be useful in general in

John Hunter wrote:

It looks like that the backend API isn't really set up to do compound
paths. The PolygonCollection class appears to be just a list of simple
polygons, rather than something that could be used for compound paths.
(Correct me if I'm wrong.) Is the only reason for wanting branch cuts
in contours because matplotlib doesn't support compound paths? Is there
a reason matplotlib doesn't support compound paths? I suspect you guys
have been down that "path" [haha] already. I would anticipate problems
if different backends have different winding rules, but perhaps there
are some ways to around that? This could be useful in general in

Actually we haven't. In fact, paths have been a fairly recent
addition to mpl. The drawing model is based on GTK, which did not
have paths at the time. The renderer API is basically the GTK API,
and all the other backends simply implement the GTK drawing model. In
the early days, there was only a GTK backend....

So one reason why the backends are a bit of a kludge is because we
have tried to throw some extra stuff into the GTK drawing model as an
afterthough. We could redo all the collection stuff w/ compounds

This is the sort of thing I was getting at by suggesting that if a big project is possible, rethinking the drawing model and refactoring accordingly would be a candidate. I think there is quite a bit of scope for fundamentally improving mpl internals (and maybe even performance), and reducing future maintenance costs, by doing this. It is at the same level as, and maybe complementary to, redoing the transforms framework.

With respect to contouring, yes, a branch cut is a kludge--a way to fake a compound path. It would be much cleaner if the cuts could be eliminated. With a little extra record-keeping to mark the parts of paths that bound masked regions and boundaries, this would also solve the problem that the polygon boundaries don't always coincide with the contour lines that are calculated with cntr.c in non-filled mode.



On 7/12/07, Michael Droettboom <mdroe@...31...> wrote:


John Hunter wrote:


So one reason why the backends are a bit of a kludge is because we
have tried to throw some extra stuff into the GTK drawing model as an
afterthough. We could redo all the collection stuff w/ compounds


Do all the backend devices or libraries we *need* now support compound paths (1) at all, and (2) in a consistent enough way to solve the contouring problem as well as to make something like polygon collections more efficient?

I guess this is really part of a larger question about the degree to which the various graphics drawing models have converged with a rich intersection of capabilities, including arbitrary text rotation, precise text positioning, arcs, bezier curves, etc.


What's the "GTK drawing model" here that is problematic? Is that
pre-cairo stuff? And can using cairo directly help at all?



On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 09:29:06 -1000, Eric Firing wrote:

> So one reason why the backends are a bit of a kludge is because we
> have tried to throw some extra stuff into the GTK drawing model as an
> afterthough. We could redo all the collection stuff w/ compounds
> paths.

Yes, I think they do, though we will encounter some differences
between spline handling that might make some of the path stuff tricky.
We need agg, cairo, svg, ps and pdf, all of which use vector
graphics. We would need to sacrifice native GDK and WX, which would
inconvenience some but these users could certainly get by with GTK* or
WX*. One reason a few still use native GTK is because it is faster,
but this would likely disappear with some intelligent design. One
might envision just three or four fundamental objects which the
backends need to understand.


and maybe use a stateful graphics context (linewidth, facecolor, etc...)

numpify everything, traitify everything and rebuild the
transformation architecture from scratch. Borrowing some language
from ipython, this would truly be a "chainsaw" branch.

I'm halfway inclined to take a crack at it......



On 7/12/07, Eric Firing <efiring@...229...> wrote:

John Hunter wrote:

Do all the backend devices or libraries we *need* now support compound
paths (1) at all, and (2) in a consistent enough way to solve the
contouring problem as well as to make something like polygon collections
more efficient?

I guess this is really part of a larger question about the degree to
which the various graphics drawing models have converged with a rich
intersection of capabilities, including arbitrary text rotation, precise
text positioning, arcs, bezier curves, etc.

Yes, this is pre cairo and unfortunately, no I don't think cairo can
help. When I wrote MPL, it was GTK only and I used GDK for rendering.
The backend canvas was a gtk.DrawingArea calls and the renderer was a
gdk.Drawable which defined methods like draw_rectangle and

  Overview — PyGObject

As I added other backends, backend_ps first, I abstracted the
gtk.DrawingArea, gdk.Drawable and gdk.GC to the FigureCanvas, Renderer
and GraphicsContext respectively which are are core backend base
classes, and then for each backend did a concrete implemention of the
gdk.Drawable API, etc. This was back in 2001. If I were smarter or
had done more research at the time, I would have chosen a different
drawing mode, eg DisplayPDF or something like that, but I guess I was
too busy coding .... (reminds me of a joke we used to tell in the lab
"Why spend and hour in the library when you can get the same result in
the lab in a year?").

So the fact that GTK now uses Cairo doesn't help us too much, since
all of our backends implement the gdk.Drawable API more or less. What
we are discussing here is a clean room reimplementation of our backend
API and drawing model.



On 7/12/07, Carl Worth <cworth@...528...> wrote:

What's the "GTK drawing model" here that is problematic? Is that
pre-cairo stuff? And can using cairo directly help at all?

Michael Droettboom wrote:

cntr.c is creating the inner and outer polygons correctly, just not connecting them with a slit, right?

To answer my own question, unfortunately, this isn't always the case. There is also a bug where if a masked region is inside of the *inner* polygon of a contour, the inner contour is incorrect. So, other advantages aside, adding support for compound polygons won't magically fix any of the contour problems.


John Hunter wrote:

John Hunter wrote:

Do all the backend devices or libraries we *need* now support compound
paths (1) at all, and (2) in a consistent enough way to solve the
contouring problem as well as to make something like polygon collections
more efficient?

I guess this is really part of a larger question about the degree to
which the various graphics drawing models have converged with a rich
intersection of capabilities, including arbitrary text rotation, precise
text positioning, arcs, bezier curves, etc.

Yes, I think they do, though we will encounter some differences
between spline handling that might make some of the path stuff tricky.
We need agg, cairo, svg, ps and pdf, all of which use vector
graphics. We would need to sacrifice native GDK and WX, which would

From a purely technical standpoint--getting the desired output formats--perhaps cairo could substitute for pdf and svg, and also for ps if only cairo would make eps files. So, even if eventually you want to restore native pdf, svg, and ps backends, it could be done at a later stage than the initial chainsaw sculpture.

inconvenience some but these users could certainly get by with GTK* or
WX*. One reason a few still use native GTK is because it is faster,
but this would likely disappear with some intelligent design. One
might envision just three or four fundamental objects which the
backends need to understand.


and maybe use a stateful graphics context (linewidth, facecolor, etc...)

numpify everything, traitify everything and rebuild the
transformation architecture from scratch. Borrowing some language
from ipython, this would truly be a "chainsaw" branch.

I'm halfway inclined to take a crack at it......

Great! I wonder whether your company could be convinced to give you some slack for that... It might be worth a bit of thought and planning to see how parts of the work could be divided up so that you would not have to do everything yourself.

To minimize the interval during which a separate branch would be needed, maybe some initial traitification should be done without a fork.



On 7/12/07, Eric Firing <efiring@...229...> wrote:


Isn't EPS a trivially change compared to PS? Something like a modified
header and the addition of bounding-box information?

It sounds like something that should be really easy to change in

Maybe you could take a cairo-generated .ps file and manually munge it
into the .eps that you'd like? If you did that, I'd be glad to write
the necessary cairo code to get the same result, (and come up with
whatever tiny new API is necessary to instruct cairo to do that).

As for the rest of what you say. From my point of view, yes, using
cairo and its multi-backend capabilities seems to make a fair amount
more sense than inventing a new system with multiple backends. (Not a
criticism against the original MPL stuff---cairo 1.0 has only existed
since August 2005).

But yeah, I also understand that there are licensing concerns.
Anything else? Are there cairo performance concerns? If so, I'd love
to hear about them so we can fix them.

And even if you don't use cairo directly, I will offer the suggestion
of its drawing model as being very good, (using source and mask
pattern objects and just 5 different drawing operations: stroke, fill,
paint, show_text/glyphs, and mask).

Whatever you decide to go with, have fun!



On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:31:19 -1000, Eric Firing wrote:

if only cairo would make eps files

The following is listed in the Encapsulated Postscript File Format

"There are some PostScript language operators plus statusdict and userdict
operators that are intended for system-level jobs or page descriptions that
are not appropriate in an EPS file. In addition to all operators in statusdict
and the operators in userdict for establishing an imageable area, the
following operators must not be used in an EPS file:
   banddevice exitserver initmatrix setshared
   clear framedevice quit startjob
   cleardictstack grestoreall renderbands
   copypage initclip setglobal
   erasepage initgraphics setpagedevice
If used properly, the following operators are allowed in an EPS file. However,
use of any of these must comply with the rules in Appendix I of the
PostScript Language Reference Manual, Second Edition. Improper use can cause
unpredictable results.
   nulldevice sethalftone setscreen undefinefont
   setgstate setmatrix settransfer


On Thursday 12 July 2007 05:11:31 pm Carl Worth wrote:

On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:31:19 -1000, Eric Firing wrote:
> if only cairo would make eps files

Isn't EPS a trivially change compared to PS? Something like a modified
header and the addition of bounding-box information?

Carl Worth wrote:

if only cairo would make eps files

Isn't EPS a trivially change compared to PS? Something like a modified
header and the addition of bounding-box information?


My knowledge of graphics topics is sketchy, but yes, in many cases the difference between PS and EPS is just a few lines. This is true for Matlab files--ps and eps are identical except for something like 3 lines. This works *provided* the ps file doesn't have anything in it that is not allowed in eps. I don't recall the constraints, apart from the file being single-page, but I know there are some. I suspect this is not a problem for cairo output, but I haven't tried to check.

It sounds like something that should be really easy to change in

Yes, so much so that I don't understand why it is not already done. (I know you are a cairo dev--is there not a postscript specialist in the cairo dev community?)

Maybe you could take a cairo-generated .ps file and manually munge it
into the .eps that you'd like? If you did that, I'd be glad to write
the necessary cairo code to get the same result, (and come up with
whatever tiny new API is necessary to instruct cairo to do that).

If no one else steps forward, I can try to look at it fairly soon--but I am really not the right person to do it.

As for the rest of what you say. From my point of view, yes, using
cairo and its multi-backend capabilities seems to make a fair amount
more sense than inventing a new system with multiple backends. (Not a
criticism against the original MPL stuff---cairo 1.0 has only existed
since August 2005).

But yeah, I also understand that there are licensing concerns.
Anything else? Are there cairo performance concerns? If so, I'd love
to hear about them so we can fix them.

Well, I think that for screen display and for png generation, Agg is significantly faster. gives

Backend agg took 0.76 minutes to complete
Backend cairo.png took 0.95 minutes to complete
Backend template took 0.46 minutes to complete

I haven't tried to test it, but I suspect that for some types of plots the optimizations in Agg and the agg backend will make a much bigger difference than the averages above would indicate.



On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:31:19 -1000, Eric Firing wrote:

And even if you don't use cairo directly, I will offer the suggestion
of its drawing model as being very good, (using source and mask
pattern objects and just 5 different drawing operations: stroke, fill,
paint, show_text/glyphs, and mask).

Whatever you decide to go with, have fun!


Carl Worth wrote:

But yeah, I also understand that there are licensing concerns.
Anything else? Are there cairo performance concerns? If so, I'd love
to hear about them so we can fix them.

Backend took 0.87 minutes to complete
Backend ps took 0.66 minutes to complete

So the mpl Cairo ps output is also relatively slow. I don't know whether this is inherent in Cairo, or whether it could be optimized away in the mpl Cairo backend. And, it may be caused by a few outliers among the examples; I have not tried to compare times for individual plots.


Darren Dale wrote:

if only cairo would make eps files

Isn't EPS a trivially change compared to PS? Something like a modified
header and the addition of bounding-box information?

The following is listed in the Encapsulated Postscript File Format Specification,

"There are some PostScript language operators plus statusdict and userdict operators that are intended for system-level jobs or page descriptions that are not appropriate in an EPS file. In addition to all operators in statusdict and the operators in userdict for establishing an imageable area, the following operators must not be used in an EPS file:
   banddevice exitserver initmatrix setshared
   clear framedevice quit startjob
   cleardictstack grestoreall renderbands
   copypage initclip setglobal
   erasepage initgraphics setpagedevice

Aha! Cairo ps output is full of "initclip" commands, so it can't be converted to eps without substantial reworking.

This is a big limitation. To put a figure in a LaTeX document, for example, eps usually is what you need. So until Cairo solves this problem and provides eps, it is locked out of a large domain of graphics use.



On Thursday 12 July 2007 05:11:31 pm Carl Worth wrote:

On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:31:19 -1000, Eric Firing wrote:

Probably mpl's cairo backend can be optimized. The PS backend is heavily
optimized, making use of the newer API to draw lines and markers
(RendererPS.draw_lines and draw_markers).


On Thursday 12 July 2007 5:57:27 pm Eric Firing wrote:

Carl Worth wrote:

> But yeah, I also understand that there are licensing concerns.
> Anything else? Are there cairo performance concerns? If so, I'd love
> to hear about them so we can fix them.

Backend took 0.87 minutes to complete
Backend ps took 0.66 minutes to complete

So the mpl Cairo ps output is also relatively slow. I don't know
whether this is inherent in Cairo, or whether it could be optimized away
in the mpl Cairo backend. And, it may be caused by a few outliers
among the examples; I have not tried to compare times for individual plots.

Carl Worth wrote:

> It sounds like something that should be really easy to change in
> cairo.

Yes, so much so that I don't understand why it is not already done. (I
know you are a cairo dev--is there not a postscript specialist in the
cairo dev community?)

Honestly, there just plain hasn't been much demand for it. We do have
several very competent PostScript specialists in the community. I
would expect that if you floated the idea on the cairo list, (and
maybe pointed out a particular missing issue), the problem could get
solved very quickly.

Later, you said...

Aha! Cairo ps output is full of "initclip" commands, so it can't be
converted to eps without substantial reworking.

Oh, actually that should be really easy to get rid of. The cairo
semantics match PostScript's very closely:

  cairo_clip -> clip
  cairo_reset_clip -> initclip

So, the only problematic case is if the application is actually
calling cairo_reset_clip, (which could simply be made into an error
when targeting EPS). If the application isn't, and cairo is still
generating initclip in the PostScript output then it should be very
simple to fix that.

Well, I think that for screen display and for png generation, Agg is
significantly faster. gives

Backend agg took 0.76 minutes to complete
Backend cairo.png took 0.95 minutes to complete
Backend template took 0.46 minutes to complete

Ah, thanks. So there's definitely some work to be done there. Does
anyone know a list of any optimizations that are specific to the AGG
backend, but could in fact be general. (The recently discussed culling
of geometry outside the visible region comes to mind for
example---that wasn't generalized was it?).

And I do understand that the proposal for reworking the backend
interface is to help with concerns like this.

Anyway, I'll try to get setup to profile the cairo run above and see
if any obvious things stick out that could be easily fixed.



On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:35:25 -1000, Eric Firing wrote: