TkAgg RadioWidget

I shoudl have tried this in the first place. The

    > widgets/ example doesn't work at all for
    > me. In fact quite a few are broken.

I noticed today that the subplots_adjust toolbar widget is broken
too... So this is a fairly high priority bug.


    > I shoudl have tried this in the first place. The
    > widgets/ example doesn't work at all for
    > me. In fact quite a few are broken.

I noticed today that the subplots_adjust toolbar widget is broken
too... So this is a fairly high priority bug.

I dug this one up and it is a one line fix.

Line 670 LocationEvent.__init__
< if self.x is not None and self.y is not None and a.in_axes(self.x,
self.y) and a.get_navigate():

if self.x is not None and self.y is not None and a.in_axes(self.x, self.y):

From what I can gather, the _nagivate property means an axes should
not respond to adjusting events from the nav toolbar. Therefore, it
seems incorrect to assume that an axes that does not want to navigate
cannot have mouse/key interactions. The widgets are an example of
this case.

John, you added this logic with comment, "added support for multiple
overlapping axes with pan/zoom". I think for a user to address this
problem correctly they should use the zorder property. I added a
check a while back that sets the inaxes property of a LocationEvent to
the highest zorder if multiple axes are found.

Fixed in svn.

- Charlie


On 3/31/06, John Hunter <jdhunter@...5...> wrote: