TkAgg init problem in matplotlib-0.53

As JDH suggested, -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXaw sounds like a

    > good idea. It's possible that Tk and Tcl will need
    > something similar. Have you tried anything like this yet?

Gerry, could you run this script and post the results?

import sys, os
class FoundTclTk:

def find_tcltk():
    """Finds Tcl/Tk includes/libraries/version by interrogating Tkinter."""
  import Tkinter
  print "Tkinter not properly installed\n"
    if Tkinter.TkVersion < 8.3:
  print "Tcl/Tk v8.3 or later required\n"
    o = FoundTclTk()
    except Tkinter.TclError:
  print "Using default library and include directories for Tcl and Tk because a"
  print "Tk window failed to open. You may need to define DISPLAY for Tk to work"
  print "so that setup can determine where your libraries are located."
  o.tcl_lib = "/usr/local/lib"
  o.tcl_inc = "/usr/local/include"
  o.tk_lib = "/usr/local/lib"
  o.tkv = ""
  o.tcl_lib = os.path.join((tk.getvar('tcl_library')), '../')

  o.tk_lib = os.path.join((tk.getvar('tk_library')), '../')
  o.tcl_inc = os.path.join((tk.getvar('tcl_library')), '../../include')
  o.tkv = str(Tkinter.TkVersion)[:3]
        if not os.path.exists(o.tcl_inc):
            o.tcl_inc = os.path.join((tk.getvar('tcl_library')), '../../include/tcl'+o.tkv)
        if not os.path.exists(o.tcl_inc):
            print 'cannot find tcl/tk headers. giving up.'

    return o

o = find_tcltk()
print 'system', sys.platform
print 'tcl include:', o.tcl_inc, os.path.exists(o.tcl_inc)
print 'tcl lib:', o.tcl_lib, os.path.exists(o.tcl_lib)
print 'tcl version:', 'tk'+o.tkv


Here's the results of find_tcltk:

light:> python
system linux2
tcl include: /d2/gerry/local/ActivePython-2.3/lib/tcl8.4/../../include True
tcl lib: /d2/gerry/local/ActivePython-2.3/lib/tcl8.4/../ True
tcl version: tk8.4


John Hunter wrote:


"Todd" == Todd Miller <jmiller@...86...> writes:
   > As JDH suggested, -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXaw sounds like a
   > good idea. It's possible that Tk and Tcl will need
   > something similar. Have you tried anything like this yet?

Gerry, could you run this script and post the results?

import sys, os
class FoundTclTk:

def find_tcltk():
   """Finds Tcl/Tk includes/libraries/version by interrogating Tkinter."""
import Tkinter
print "Tkinter not properly installed\n"
   if Tkinter.TkVersion < 8.3:
print "Tcl/Tk v8.3 or later required\n"
   o = FoundTclTk()
   except Tkinter.TclError:
print "Using default library and include directories for Tcl and Tk because a"
print "Tk window failed to open. You may need to define DISPLAY for Tk to work"
print "so that setup can determine where your libraries are located."
o.tcl_lib = "/usr/local/lib"
o.tcl_inc = "/usr/local/include"
o.tk_lib = "/usr/local/lib"
o.tkv = ""
o.tcl_lib = os.path.join((tk.getvar('tcl_library')), '../')

o.tk_lib = os.path.join((tk.getvar('tk_library')), '../')
o.tcl_inc = os.path.join((tk.getvar('tcl_library')), '../../include')
o.tkv = str(Tkinter.TkVersion)[:3]
       if not os.path.exists(o.tcl_inc):
           o.tcl_inc = os.path.join((tk.getvar('tcl_library')), '../../include/tcl'+o.tkv) if not os.path.exists(o.tcl_inc):
           print 'cannot find tcl/tk headers. giving up.'

   return o

o = find_tcltk()
print 'system', sys.platform
print 'tcl include:', o.tcl_inc, os.path.exists(o.tcl_inc)
print 'tcl lib:', o.tcl_lib, os.path.exists(o.tcl_lib)
print 'tcl version:', 'tk'+o.tkv