text on top just below xticks

John, Thanks, that did it. I don't really need to blend

    > though. What I need it taken care of by:

  trans = blend_xy_sep_transform(ax.transAxes, ax.transAxes)

This is basically a no-op; if the axes transform is the one you want,
just use it

  ax.text(0.5, 1, "My Title", ha='center', va='top',transform=ax.transAxes)

My example placed the text below the ticks, which is where the data
component came in.


  trans = blend_xy_sep_transform(ax.transAxes, ax.transAxes)

This is basically a no-op; if the axes transform is the one you want,
just use it

  ax.text(0.5, 1, "My Title", ha='center', va='top',transform=ax.transAxes)

Can't do that. Puts the text too high, runs into the top bar and the tickmarks.
Can't apply the offset to ax.transAxes either -- it changes
*EVERYTHING*. The old "assignment is reference" problem. But if
blend is nearly a no-op, then I'll use it.

I don't need a data component to put the text below the tickmarks. But
I *did* need the magic offset numbers rcParams['xtick.major.size'] and
gcf().dpi/Value(72.), plus your knowledge of scale_transform and
set_offset. And it seems blend_ gives me a copy operator for

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!



Charles R. Twardy