text on top just below xticks

"Charles R. Twardy" <ctwardy@...287...> writes:

I want to place text inside the plot, just below the top xaxis ticks.
But as the graphs get taller, the text gets too far away from the top line.

I wanted to do something similar, and wrote an example in the Wiki, at
the bottom of


Does this help with your problem?




Does this help with your problem?


I don't think so. I looked at that. Maybe I'm mistaken, but seems
that in the end, it just places the text at y position 0.9 in Axes
coordinates. That's just below the markers for small subplots, but
WAY below the markers for tall skinny ones. I want it to place the
text at a fixed absolute y position of just below the markers. As the
graph gets taller, that will go from .9 to .95 to .99, etc. in Axes

So one approach would be to find the Axes coordinates for the lower
limit of the tick markers. Any ideas?



Charles R. Twardy