testing of matplotlib 0.90 - on Win XP and Python 2.5

I just downloaded the 0.9 binary and did some testing and also updated all the wx examples to use the new wx namespace (i.e. change from "from wxPython.wx import *" to "import wx".

- changed name space using Boa's conversion tool
- moved the timer stuff to __init__, saved a reference and stop the timer on close, so that this shuts down correctly.

- changed name space using Boa's conversion tool
- complains about wxmsw26uh_vc.dll, but runs if one clicks on OK

- changed name space using Boa's conversion tool
- complains about wxmsw26uh_vc.dll, but runs if one clicks on OK

- changed name space using Boa's conversion tool
- screen update/refresh is for some reason very slow

- changed name space using Boa's conversion tool
- complains about wxmsw26uh_vc.dll, but runs if one clicks on OK

- changed name space using Boa's conversion tool
- manually made changes regarding XRC as it is not handled by the conversion tool
- can't get it to work, as think it is because "data/embedding_in_wx3.xrc" is not found - it is not included in the zip?!

- changed name space using Boa's conversion tool
- complains about wxmsw26uh_vc.dll, but runs if one clicks on OK

- changed name space using Boa's conversion tool
- complains about wxmsw26uh_vc.dll, but runs if one clicks on OK

If someone could take the enclosed and maybe create an updated examples.zip

When a build for wxPython 2.8 is available I will do some more testing, especially with regards to py2exe packaging.


dynamic_demo_wx.py (4.12 KB)

dynamic_image_wxagg2.py (3.68 KB)

dynamic_image_wxagg.py (3.62 KB)

embedding_in_wx.py (3.5 KB)

embedding_in_wx2.py (2.65 KB)

embedding_in_wx4.py (3.82 KB)

simple3d_oo.py (2.03 KB)

Thanks for doing this, the wx back-ends are a bit neglected at the moment.

Which version of wxPython did you test this all on? We really need some work/testing with 2.8.*, I now there are some issues on OS-X, but I haven't tried it anywhere else yet.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
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Hi Chris,

Christopher Barker wrote:

Thanks for doing this, the wx back-ends are a bit neglected at the moment.

Which version of wxPython did you test this all on? We really need some work/testing with 2.8.*, I now there are some issues on OS-X, but I haven't tried it anywhere else yet.

Tests were done with:
# Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
# wxPython, Boa Constructor 0.5.2

That is the ANSI build of wxPython. As soon as there is a matplotlib build with 2.8 I will do more testing, can then use either ANSI or Unicode.
