svg fonts and mathtext

Paul Kienzle wrote:
>> I'd be curious to see a screenshot of what Safari looks like. It may be a simple fix on our end.
> See attached.
>> As for file sizes, the SVG spec makes an "informational recommendation" to allow gzip-compressed SVG files. So some tools support commpression (Inkscape), and others don't (Firefox). Hopefully more will start supporting that.
> Safari doesn't. IE 7 does.

By IE7 you mean "IE7 on OS-X with Adobe SVG Plugin?" I've never used
that browser -- it doesn't have built-in SVG support, correct?

Actually it is running on Parallels on Windows XP SP2.

> Note that IE 7.0.5730.11 doesn't render mathtext_demo.svg with the Adobe
> 3.03 SVGViewer plugin. Instead it reports bad CSS selector. I looked around
> for a bit, but couldn't find an alternative viewer. Other svg files work.

In general, I'm not too concerned about supporting a long abandoned tool
like the Adobe SVG viewer.

Long abandoned it maybe, but I don't see any real alternatives for IE. I
suppose one could use a java-based implementation and write a full-featured
web app, but a browser plugin is a lot more convenient.

  - Paul


On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 10:31:13AM -0400, Michael Droettboom wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 06:40:55AM -0400, Michael Droettboom wrote: