Strange bug in logarithmic plotting

Hi there,

I hit a strange but in the code for logarithmic plotting. Executing the
following code:


from matplotlib.matlab import *

gives the following traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 4, in ?
line 68, in show
line 284, in show
line 135, in draw
line 310, in draw
line 254, in draw
    for a in self.axes: a.draw(renderer)
line 935, in draw
    self.transData.freeze() # eval the lazy objects
ValueError: Cannot take log of nonpositive value

The appearance of this bug actually depends opn the ratio between the y-values
given: if the factor exceeds 10, the code breaks:

[0.1,0.2] works
[0.01,0.02] works
[0.1,1.0] works
[0.1,2.0] breaks
[1.0,11.0] breaks

Also: the problem does not appear when using semilogy

I'm using cvs versions of matplotlib and Numeric on python 2.3.4


_________________________________________Norbert Nemec
         Bernhardstr. 2 ... D-93053 Regensburg
     Tel: 0941 - 2009638 ... Mobil: 0179 - 7475199
           eMail: <Norbert@...160...>