Squared contour plot

fig.set_figsize_inches((8,8)) # default is (8,6)

    > You might also have to use the set_xlim and set_ylim axes
    > methods to make sure the axis limits are set to be the same.

You probably also want to look at the "set_aspect" method of the axes,
which has received a lot of attention from mark Bakkar. In

ax = subplot(111, aspect='equal')

should help.

With an existing axes instance,


Here is the docstring, since the web site is not updated to the
current release yet.,

    def set_aspect(self,aspect='normal',fixLimits=False,alignment='center'):
        Set aspect to 'normal' or 'equal'

            'normal' means matplotlib determines aspect ratio

            'equal' means scale on x and y axes will be set equal such
            that circle looks like circle

            In the future we may want to add a number as input to have
            a certain aspect ratio,

            such as vertical scale exagerrated by 2.

        fixLimits: False means data limits will be changed, but height
                   and widths of axes preserved. True means height or
                   width will be changed, but data limits preserved

        alignment is 'center' or 'lowerleft', only used when fixLimits
                   is True

        ACCEPTS: str, boolean, str

Thanks to both Jeff and John for your help. Just a further question: what if I want to do contour plot with dashed lines (or any other symbol)?

contour(x, y, nu.transpose(z), linestyle = '-', colors = 'r')


contour(x, y, nu.transpose(z), colors = 'r-')

don't work.



On Dec 13, 2005, at 03:43 , John Hunter wrote:

    > fig.set_figsize_inches((8,8)) # default is (8,6)

    > You might also have to use the set_xlim and set_ylim axes
    > methods to make sure the axis limits are set to be the same.

You probably also want to look at the "set_aspect" method of the axes,
which has received a lot of attention from mark Bakkar. In

ax = subplot(111, aspect='equal')

should help.

With an existing axes instance,


Here is the docstring, since the web site is not updated to the
current release yet.,

    def set_aspect(self,aspect='normal',fixLimits=False,alignment='center'):
        Set aspect to 'normal' or 'equal'

            'normal' means matplotlib determines aspect ratio

            'equal' means scale on x and y axes will be set equal such
            that circle looks like circle

            In the future we may want to add a number as input to have
            a certain aspect ratio,

            such as vertical scale exagerrated by 2.

        fixLimits: False means data limits will be changed, but height
                   and widths of axes preserved. True means height or
                   width will be changed, but data limits preserved

        alignment is 'center' or 'lowerleft', only used when fixLimits
                   is True

        ACCEPTS: str, boolean, str