
It is important for us that the entire cell have the same colour.
Is this what you get with shading='flat'?

Sometimes shading='faceted' is useful. You should be able to do this
faster by simply blasting an array of lines over top of shading='flat'
than by drawing each individual quadrilateral.

Note that I found 'faceted' to be much nicer when the lines are drawn
with transparency. Without transparency, a large array turns the
entire image black --- not very useful.

  - Paul


On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 01:39:10PM -0600, John Hunter wrote:

On Nov 9, 2007 1:12 PM, Michael Droettboom <mdroe@...31...> wrote:

> I've committed my changes on the transforms branch so you can play with
> it -- I'm holding off on changing the trunk due to the pending release.
> But if everyone agrees on the way to expose this, it would be nice to
> merge this over to trunk before the release.

Am I right in assuming that the only thing we lose in this approach is
faceting (which Eric hates but others may care about)? Since it is
orders of magnitudes faster, we could have a pcolor_faceted which
pcolor calls the old function if shading='faceted'. Of course the two
functions would return different types (image vs patch collection)
which is potentially a bit confusing.... We could play with adding
faceting to images....