sketch bar?

I know matplotlib mimics matlab, which offers scientific look.
but can we use matplotlib to get a skecth(in other words,
hand-drawing) style for bar/pie/etc in none formalist paper? for

With a considerable effort you could use mpl's capabilities to program this sort of thing, but it will not be added as an option.



On 05/06/2010 08:02 PM, oyster wrote:

I know matplotlib mimics matlab, which offers scientific look.
but can we use matplotlib to get a skecth(in other words,
hand-drawing) style for bar/pie/etc in none formalist paper? for
example, Teeth Grinder UK – Super Powered Tech and Programming Blog

JJ's demo_ribbon_box is pretty close -- you just need to create a base
image you want stretched to the bar height.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.image import BboxImage

from matplotlib._png import read_png
import matplotlib.colors
from matplotlib.cbook import get_sample_data

class RibbonBox(object):

    original_image = read_png(get_sample_data("Minduka_Present_Blue_Pack.png",
    cut_location = 70
    b_and_h = original_image[:,:,2]
    color = original_image[:,:,2] - original_image[:,:,0]
    alpha = original_image[:,:,3]
    nx = original_image.shape[1]

    def __init__(self, color):
        rgb = matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(color)

        im = np.empty(self.original_image.shape,

        im[:,:,:3] = self.b_and_h[:,:,np.newaxis]
        im[:,:,:3] -= self.color[:,:,np.newaxis]*(1.-np.array(rgb))
        im[:,:,3] = self.alpha = im

    def get_stretched_image(self, stretch_factor):
        stretch_factor = max(stretch_factor, 1)
        ny, nx, nch =
        ny2 = int(ny*stretch_factor)

        stretched_image = np.empty((ny2, nx, nch),
        cut =[self.cut_location,:,:]
        stretched_image[:,:,:] = cut
        stretched_image[:self.cut_location,:,:] = \
        stretched_image[-(ny-self.cut_location):,:,:] = \

        self._cached_im = stretched_image
        return stretched_image

class RibbonBoxImage(BboxImage):
    zorder = 1

    def __init__(self, bbox, color,
                 cmap = None,
                 norm = None,
                 resample = False,

        BboxImage.__init__(self, bbox,
                           cmap = cmap,
                           norm = norm,
                           resample = resample,

        self._ribbonbox = RibbonBox(color)
        self._cached_ny = None

    def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):

        bbox = self.get_window_extent(renderer)
        stretch_factor = bbox.height / bbox.width

        ny = int(stretch_factor*self._ribbonbox.nx)
        if self._cached_ny != ny:
            arr = self._ribbonbox.get_stretched_image(stretch_factor)
            self._cached_ny = ny

        BboxImage.draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs)

if 1:
    from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox, TransformedBbox
    from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter

    fig = plt.gcf()
    ax = plt.subplot(111)

    years = np.arange(2004, 2009)
    box_colors = [(0.8, 0.2, 0.2),
                  (0.2, 0.8, 0.2),
                  (0.2, 0.2, 0.8),
                  (0.7, 0.5, 0.8),
                  (0.3, 0.8, 0.7),
    heights = np.random.random(years.shape) * 7000 + 3000

    fmt = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)

    for year, h, bc in zip(years, heights, box_colors):
        bbox0 = Bbox.from_extents(year-0.4, 0., year+0.4, h)
        bbox = TransformedBbox(bbox0, ax.transData)
        rb_patch = RibbonBoxImage(bbox, bc, interpolation="bicubic")


        ax.annotate(r"%d" % (int(h/100.)*100),
                    (year, h), va="bottom", ha="center")

    patch_gradient = BboxImage(ax.bbox,
    gradient = np.zeros((2, 2, 4), dtype=np.float)
    gradient[:,:,:3] = [1, 1, 0.]
    gradient[:,:,3] = [[0.1, 0.3],[0.3, 0.5]] # alpha channel

    ax.set_xlim(years[0]-0.5, years[-1]+0.5)
    ax.set_ylim(0, 10000)

    fig.savefig('ribbon_box.png') (4.19 KB)


On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Eric Firing <efiring@...202...> wrote:

On 05/06/2010 08:02 PM, oyster wrote:

I know matplotlib mimics matlab, which offers scientific look.
but can we use matplotlib to get a skecth(in other words,
hand-drawing) style for bar/pie/etc in none formalist paper? for
example, Teeth Grinder UK – Super Powered Tech and Programming Blog

With a considerable effort you could use mpl's capabilities to program
this sort of thing, but it will not be added as an option.

You may also try saving as SVG and then loading in Inkscape and using its various "artistic" vector plugins to achieve similar results.


John Hunter wrote:


On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Eric Firing <efiring@...202...> wrote:

On 05/06/2010 08:02 PM, oyster wrote:

I know matplotlib mimics matlab, which offers scientific look.
but can we use matplotlib to get a skecth(in other words,
hand-drawing) style for bar/pie/etc in none formalist paper? for
example, Teeth Grinder UK – Super Powered Tech and Programming Blog

With a considerable effort you could use mpl's capabilities to program
this sort of thing, but it will not be added as an option.
JJ's demo_ribbon_box is pretty close -- you just need to create a base
image you want stretched to the bar height.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.image import BboxImage

from matplotlib._png import read_png
import matplotlib.colors
from matplotlib.cbook import get_sample_data

class RibbonBox(object):

    original_image = read_png(get_sample_data("Minduka_Present_Blue_Pack.png",
    cut_location = 70
    b_and_h = original_image[:,:,2]
    color = original_image[:,:,2] - original_image[:,:,0]
    alpha = original_image[:,:,3]
    nx = original_image.shape[1]

    def __init__(self, color):
        rgb = matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(color)

        im = np.empty(self.original_image.shape,

        im[:,:,:3] = self.b_and_h[:,:,np.newaxis]
        im[:,:,:3] -= self.color[:,:,np.newaxis]*(1.-np.array(rgb))
        im[:,:,3] = self.alpha = im

    def get_stretched_image(self, stretch_factor):
        stretch_factor = max(stretch_factor, 1)
        ny, nx, nch =
        ny2 = int(ny*stretch_factor)

        stretched_image = np.empty((ny2, nx, nch),
        cut =[self.cut_location,:,:]
        stretched_image[:,:,:] = cut
        stretched_image[:self.cut_location,:,:] = \
        stretched_image[-(ny-self.cut_location):,:,:] = \

        self._cached_im = stretched_image
        return stretched_image

class RibbonBoxImage(BboxImage):
    zorder = 1

    def __init__(self, bbox, color,
                 cmap = None,
                 norm = None,
                 resample = False,

        BboxImage.__init__(self, bbox,
                           cmap = cmap,
                           norm = norm,
                           resample = resample,

        self._ribbonbox = RibbonBox(color)
        self._cached_ny = None

    def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):

        bbox = self.get_window_extent(renderer)
        stretch_factor = bbox.height / bbox.width

        ny = int(stretch_factor*self._ribbonbox.nx)
        if self._cached_ny != ny:
            arr = self._ribbonbox.get_stretched_image(stretch_factor)
            self._cached_ny = ny

        BboxImage.draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs)

if 1:
    from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox, TransformedBbox
    from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter

    fig = plt.gcf()
    ax = plt.subplot(111)

    years = np.arange(2004, 2009)
    box_colors = [(0.8, 0.2, 0.2),
                  (0.2, 0.8, 0.2),
                  (0.2, 0.2, 0.8),
                  (0.7, 0.5, 0.8),
                  (0.3, 0.8, 0.7),
    heights = np.random.random(years.shape) * 7000 + 3000

    fmt = ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)

    for year, h, bc in zip(years, heights, box_colors):
        bbox0 = Bbox.from_extents(year-0.4, 0., year+0.4, h)
        bbox = TransformedBbox(bbox0, ax.transData)
        rb_patch = RibbonBoxImage(bbox, bc, interpolation="bicubic")


        ax.annotate(r"%d" % (int(h/100.)*100),
                    (year, h), va="bottom", ha="center")

    patch_gradient = BboxImage(ax.bbox,
    gradient = np.zeros((2, 2, 4), dtype=np.float)
    gradient[:,:,:3] = [1, 1, 0.]
    gradient[:,:,3] = [[0.1, 0.3],[0.3, 0.5]] # alpha channel

    ax.set_xlim(years[0]-0.5, years[-1]+0.5)
    ax.set_ylim(0, 10000)





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Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA