show Z data for contour plots

When I create a plot with contourf(X,Y,Z) the X and Y data are displayed in text (as usual) in the lower right-hand corner of the figure window. Is there a way to report the Z data as well?


There is nothing standard for this, and you would have to define more precisely what you mean by the Z data; what kind of interpolation do you want?

This type of request has come up before, and I suspect John may have provided an illustration of how to do it in reply to some earlier such request, but I don't have any specific pointers.


Ryan Dale wrote:


When I create a plot with contourf(X,Y,Z) the X and Y data are displayed in text (as usual) in the lower right-hand corner of the figure window. Is there a way to report the Z data as well?


The question has come up but I don't think I've ever provided a basic
one here, which assumes nearest neihor interpolation and no image
"extent" setting, but it would be fairly easy to generalize to handle

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm

X = 10*np.random.rand(5,3)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.imshow(X, cmap=cm.jet, interpolation='nearest')

numrows, numcols = X.shape
def format_coord(x, y):
    col = int(x+0.5)
    row = int(y+0.5)

    if col>=0 and col<numcols and row>=0 and row<numrows:
        z = X[row,col]
        return 'x=%1.4f, y=%1.4f, z=%1.4f'%(x, y, z)
        return 'x=%1.4f, y=%1.4f'%(x, y)

ax.format_coord = format_coord

BTW, it appears there are occasional pixel border errors for some
images that I first noticed when playing with this example -- for
example, the image buffer is not filled all the way to the right in
the example code.


On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Eric Firing <efiring@...202...> wrote:

There is nothing standard for this, and you would have to define more
precisely what you mean by the Z data; what kind of interpolation do you

This type of request has come up before, and I suspect John may have
provided an illustration of how to do it in reply to some earlier such
request, but I don't have any specific pointers.