Setting an artist transform

I am trying to animate a plot with a circle that will be

    > moved around. c = Circle((0,0)) a = gca()
    > a.add_artist(c) draw() # This works

    > c.set_transform(matplotlib.transforms.translation_transform(0.1,
    > 0.1)) draw() # SEGFAULT

    > How do I update the transform?

Hey Charlie,

The segfault is occurring because you are using the
translation_transform incorrectly, though admittedly a more graceful
exit would be preferred. The translation_transform is expecting a
LazyValue instance

def translation_transform(tx, ty):
    return a pure tranlational transformation tx and ty are LazyValue
    instances (Values or binary opertations on values)

as described at

so rather than

   trans = translation_transform(0.1, 0.1)

you want

   trans = translation_transform(Value(0.1), Value(0.1))

But in debugging this, I also discovered a bug in the implementation
of translation_transform. Specifically, it should read

def translation_transform(tx, ty):
    return a pure tranlational transformation tx and ty are LazyValue
    instances (Values or binary opertations on values)
    return Affine(one(), zero(), zero(), one(), tx, ty)

where one() has replaced zero()

Below is a complete script, which redefines the translation transform
(and thus works with regular matplotlib -- with CVS just use the
standard translation_transform). Note that with the lazy values of the
transform, you call the "set" method of the lazy value to update the
transform, eg,

  trans = translation_transform(x,y)
  for i in range(0, 800, 5):

Complete example below....


from matplotlib.transforms import zero, one, Value, Affine
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
from pylab import figure, ion, show

def translation_transform(tx, ty):
    return a pure tranlational transformation tx and ty are LazyValue
    instances (Values or binary opertations on values)
    return Affine(one(), zero(), zero(), one(), tx, ty)


fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
c = Circle((0,0), radius=20, alpha=0.5)


x = Value(0)
y = Value(0)
trans = translation_transform(x,y)

for i in range(0, 800, 5):

    if 0: # uncomment for extra info
        verts = c.get_verts()
        tverts = trans.seq_xy_tups(verts)
        print i
        print '\t', trans.as_vec6_val()
        print '\t', verts
        print '\t', tverts