sample canvas object code


I'm attaching the canvas object code I've been playing with.

The API is still incomplete, but in the spirit of release early,
release often, I'll put it out there for people to comment on.

This should use a common callback mechanism with mpl (e.g., the
user should bind to a axis limit change event in much the same
way that they bind to mouse events on an artist), but for the
purposes of putting together a demo I created a small one of
my own. Maybe someone with Traits knowledge can show me how
much better it could be?

  - Paul (13.7 KB) (3.25 KB) (5.49 KB)

Hey Paul this is really cool stuff. There is a minor bug -- the onAdd
callback in on line 26 should be onAddend I think.

Also, I wanted to know if you've looked that the copy_region/blit
stuff we have. It is specifically designed to speed up stuff like
this, where you want to move one or two artists across a stable

examples/ is similar to your example in that you click
and drag vertexes to modify the polygon, you can insert vertexes etc.
Obviously the API is clunky compared to the stuff you are doing (hence
the need for your extensions) but it does use the animation blit API
which you could borrow from if you haven't seen it. It may complicate
your code, so you can decide, but it would be a critical part of a
canvas like API I think. We could improve upon the blit API if
necessary to facilitate your work.

BTW, poly_editor was broken but I just fixed it so you can check it
out of svn if you want to take a look.

Right now I don't have any answers or comments to the questions you
raise in the code, eg on keyboard vs mouse focus handling -- you are
much deeper in this stuff than I am -- so I'll it's probably best if
you just keep thinking through these things as you go.

As for your traits question, you are absolutely right about the need
for a common callback framework. I have been cleaning up the
transformations in mpl1 and the callbacks and properties on the
affines are tremendously useful (eg xlim is just a property based view
into the affine, and one can connect to events on affine changes). I
don't have a GUI backend layer yet in which one can begin playing
around with interaction, but I am close, with a few more changes, to
having a serviceable first cut at the transformations, artist
hierarchy, and renderer layer.

FYI, every artist does have a callback mechanism built in which you
can easily extend to support additional events (right now I have been
adding them on as as needed basis -- what traits does so nicely is
that they are there for every traited instance).

Eg to connect to the Axes xlim:

  ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', func)

and func will be called with the signature func(ax). Eg see
examples/ which utilizes the callbacks to
couple xlim across figure instances.



On 7/21/07, Paul Kienzle <pkienzle@...537...> wrote:


I'm attaching the canvas object code I've been playing with.

The API is still incomplete, but in the spirit of release early,
release often, I'll put it out there for people to comment on.