Resolution of eps files


I have a very simple script::

x = linspace(0,1)
plot(x, sin(pi*x))

savefig(“test-300.eps”, dpi = 300)
savefig(“test-600.eps”, dpi = 600)

output of ll *.eps:

-rw------- 1 maxim maxim 10759 2009-08-03 20:27 test-300.eps
-rw------- 1 maxim maxim 10759 2009-08-03 20:27 test-600.eps

Is it normal for eps files (when files with different dpi have the same sizes), or something wrong with matplotlib?

Best regards,

PS is a vector drawing backend, so the concept of "dots per inch" does
not apply, unless you are explictly including a raster image int he
output. So it is a feature, not a bug :-). More detail on raster vs
vector backends here:



On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 4:22 AM, Maxim Khazimullin<maxim@...2718...> wrote:

Is it normal for eps files (when files with different dpi have the same
sizes), or something wrong with matplotlib?