resize a plot to make room

I have a figure with a semilogy plot. I need to make more room on the bottom to
add a bunch of figtext, which is 4 lines of text.

With the defaults, the text overprints the x-axis.

What is a suggested way to fix this? (Ideally, mpl would calculate the
appropriate sizes for me so things don't overprint).

Set fig.tight_layout to automatically make room. Note there is a bug in the latest released matplotlib in which tight layout doesn’t include all text objects, but this is fixed in git v1.1.x branch and will be included in the next release.

You can also use the “subplots_adjust” functionality to increase the default spacing between your axes


fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.3, wspace=0.2)



On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Neal Becker <ndbecker2@…287…> wrote:

I have a figure with a semilogy plot. I need to make more room on the bottom to

add a bunch of figtext, which is 4 lines of text.

With the defaults, the text overprints the x-axis.

What is a suggested way to fix this? (Ideally, mpl would calculate the

appropriate sizes for me so things don’t overprint).