Render plot on host from docker


I have an app that run on docker, where i use matplotlib.pyplot in order to render some plots.
When running locally without docker, the plots are render as expected.

Once i tried to run the app with docker (using docker compose if that matter), none of the plots are rendered.

any idea how i can overcome this issue? i tried the following:

  1. instead of showing the plot, use savefig as png but unfortunately it does not enough for us (in high density plots we need the interactivity of the showed plot, and not just the png)
  2. looked at some issues on github/stackoverflow, didnt find a workaround/explanation why plots are not render in the docker host.

any help is appreciated!

Not clear what you are after here. Does your docker run a GUI on your local machine? Can you make a pyqt hello-world example work?