Reminder to vote in the SF Community Choice awards

Hi Gang,

Matplotlib made it past the nomination stage and is one of the finalists in the 'best project for academia' category. Don't forget to register your vote!

You can skip votes for categories you are not interested in if you like, but you can not revote, and can not change a vote once you submit.


Thanks Gaushik -- I also put a link in the sidebar on our homepage
that you can click on to vote. The link below will preselect mpl to
make your voting a little easier :slight_smile:


On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Kaushik Ghose<Kaushik_Ghose@...2126...> wrote:

Matplotlib made it past the nomination stage and is one of the finalists in the
'best project for academia' category. Don't forget to register your vote!