question re: map projection conversion and NetCDF files


I have a set of NetCDF files that are in Lambert Conformal projection,
and I want to convert them to rectilinear, lat/lon projection. I'm
able to do this and plot the data and print the data out to a png
file. However, I want to get access to the underlying data as it
appears after the projection. I want to take this data and write it
out to another file using an in-house file format.

I've been trying to probe the objects that are involved in creating
the images using 'dir' to see if there is a way that I can get access
to the underlying data, but I've come up short so far.

Here is a skeleton of the code that I'm working with:

   # create Basemap using this info
    map = Basemap(projection='merc',
                  lat_0 = map_center_lat, lon_0 = -map_center_lon,
                  llcrnrlat = min_lat, urcrnrlat = max_lat,
                  llcrnrlon = min_lon, urcrnrlon = max_lon,
                  rsphere = 6371200.0, resolution = 'f',
                  area_thresh = 10000)

    # this part is what takes the most amount of time
    # x, y = map(, # compute map projection coordinates.
    x, y = map(lons[0], lats[0])

    # the first slot in the shape array denotes the number of hours
    num_hours = data.shape[0]

    # frame counter for the output filenames
    frame_num = 0

    # step through all of the hours
    for hr in range (num_hours):

        # get all of the data (2D data) for the current hr
        data_hr = data[hr, :, :]

        # create a figure
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
        ax = plt.gca()
        dlon = 1.0

        for xlabel_i in ax.get_xticklabels():

        for ylabel_i in ax.get_yticklabels():

        draw_map (map, ax, dlon)

        v = <compute_contour_levels>

        p = map.contourf (x, y, data_hr, v)

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Michael Mason wrote:


I have a set of NetCDF files that are in Lambert Conformal projection,
and I want to convert them to rectilinear, lat/lon projection. I'm
able to do this and plot the data and print the data out to a png
file. However, I want to get access to the underlying data as it
appears after the projection. I want to take this data and write it
out to another file using an in-house file format.

I've been trying to probe the objects that are involved in creating
the images using 'dir' to see if there is a way that I can get access
to the underlying data, but I've come up short so far.

Here is a skeleton of the code that I'm working with:

   # create Basemap using this info
    map = Basemap(projection='merc',
                  lat_0 = map_center_lat, lon_0 = -map_center_lon,
                  llcrnrlat = min_lat, urcrnrlat = max_lat,
                  llcrnrlon = min_lon, urcrnrlon = max_lon,
                  rsphere = 6371200.0, resolution = 'f',
                  area_thresh = 10000)

    # this part is what takes the most amount of time
    # x, y = map(, # compute map projection coordinates.
    x, y = map(lons[0], lats[0])

    # the first slot in the shape array denotes the number of hours
    num_hours = data.shape[0]

    # frame counter for the output filenames
    frame_num = 0

    # step through all of the hours
    for hr in range (num_hours):

        # get all of the data (2D data) for the current hr
        data_hr = data[hr, :, :]

        # create a figure
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
        ax = plt.gca()
        dlon = 1.0

        for xlabel_i in ax.get_xticklabels():

        for ylabel_i in ax.get_yticklabels():

        draw_map (map, ax, dlon)

        v = <compute_contour_levels>

        p = map.contourf (x, y, data_hr, v)

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Michael: contourf is not doing performing any transformations or interpolations on the input data - it's just plotting data on the grid defined by the x and y coordinates of the Lambert conformal grid that you give it. You can use the interpolation function "interp" to interpolate from one rectilinear grid to another, but contourf is not doing that under the hood.
