python-2.3 support

It looks like some syntax introduced in python-2.4 is starting to find its
way into matplotlib:

line 113
    + tuple('font.'+n for n in ('family', ) + font_families)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
line 355
    for ch in special),
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
line 49
    return "one of %s"% ', '.join('%s'%i for i in be)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
line 544
    not_None = (ch for ch in range(256)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Does anyone have an opinion on how much longer we will support python-2.3?
Maybe a good guide would be to support the most up-to-date RHEL release,
as well as the prior release. (At my lab, we haven't updated our RHEL
computers to version 5 yet, the first to include python-2.4.)


Does anyone have an opinion on how much longer we will support python-2.3?
Maybe a good guide would be to support the most up-to-date RHEL release,
as well as the prior release. (At my lab, we haven't updated our RHEL
computers to version 5 yet, the first to include python-2.4.)

Is the current Mac OS-X version also something to consider? It's currently at 2.3 in 10.4 Tiger.



Michael Droettboom
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

I think we should continue to support it for a while yet, mainly
because it is easy to do so. We don't really need generator
comprehensions -- in the examples you highlighted I think they were
used for syntactic convenience, though admittedly in some cases syntax
conveniences are compelling.

I only recently upgraded from 2.3 on my home machine, when I was
trying to get svn traits working. I am not sure that RHEL should be
our standard though -- shouldn't people be punished for using that
distro anyway <wink>?

A good way to know it's time to deprecate support is when you
accidentally break something and noone notices for a month or two
because noone is actually using it.



On 9/21/07, Darren Dale <dd55@...143...> wrote:

Does anyone have an opinion on how much longer we will support python-2.3?
Maybe a good guide would be to support the most up-to-date RHEL release,
as well as the prior release. (At my lab, we haven't updated our RHEL
computers to version 5 yet, the first to include python-2.4.)

Michael Droettboom wrote:

Is the current Mac OS-X version also something to consider?

I don't think so. You really need to install a newer/better version to do anything significant with python on OS-X -- particularly anything with a GUI.

John Hunter wrote:

We don't really need generator
comprehensions -- in the examples you highlighted I think they were
used for syntactic convenience, though admittedly in some cases syntax
conveniences are compelling.

Sure they are, but wouldn't list comprehensions be just as good? at least in those cases.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
