Publication reference to matplotlib ?

Dear all,

Amongst other libraries, I have been using Matplotlib to build some scanning
X-ray images I will publish soon (Journal of Applied Crystallography if
accepted). I don't know if this is an issue for someone, but I would like to
include a reference, can anyone tell me if there is a standard one or whether
it is worth it for anyone to be mentioned ? Also, although this is not the
correct mailing list for this, is there a general reference for Python ?



Hello Aure,

Amongst other libraries, I have been using Matplotlib to build some scanning
X-ray images I will publish soon (Journal of Applied Crystallography if
accepted). I don't know if this is an issue for someone, but I would like to
include a reference, can anyone tell me if there is a standard one or whether
it is worth it for anyone to be mentioned ?

This question has just been answered a few threads ago ("success story"). To quote JDH:

Perhaps it would be a good idea for you and others who publish with
mpl to cite it in the methods section (eg "figures x, y,and z were
generated using matplotlib") with a reference pointing to the web
site. Promotion and publicity is always a good thing. Some journals
don't allow links in the citations, in which case you could use

  Author = {Barrett, P. and Hunter, J.D. and Greenfield, P.},
  Title = {Matplotlib - {A} Portable {Python} Plotting Package},
  BookTitle = {Astronomical Data Analysis Software \& Systems {XIV}.},
  year = 2004
