propagation of error messages in matplotlib

overridden. I don't see any elegant way to do this. Any

    >> ideas?

    > In [2]: sys.__excepthook__ is sys.excepthook Out[2]:

Excellent. So if the backends define a function excepthook_backend
and matplotlib.matlab does

if sys.__excepthook__ is sys.excepthook:
    sys.excepthook = excepthook_backend

would we be in reasonably good standing with the python gods and


John Hunter schrieb:

"Fernando" == Fernando Perez <Fernando.Perez@...76...> writes:

    >> overridden. I don't see any elegant way to do this. Any
    >> ideas?

    > In [2]: sys.__excepthook__ is sys.excepthook Out[2]:

Excellent. So if the backends define a function excepthook_backend
and matplotlib.matlab does

if sys.__excepthook__ is sys.excepthook:
    sys.excepthook = excepthook_backend

would we be in reasonably good standing with the python gods and

You'd have to ask the gods directly, but it looks pretty good to me, a mere mortal :slight_smile:

