problem with usetex & \color

Hello everybody!

I am experiencing the following problem: when I draw text with usetex
enabled and the xcolor package, the result is not colored; however the
intermediate steps that I find in .../tex.cache still are!

The problem occurs with:


from matplotlib import rc
from pylab import figure, text, show, savefig

rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('text.latex', preamble="\usepackage{xcolor}")

f = figure()


The resulting graph is not colored -- but in the directory
~/.matplotlib/tex.cache/ the text is green, both in the dvi and the png

It therefore seems to me that this is not completely hopeless but I
cannot figure out how to proceed.

Can someone help?
Thanks & best regards,

I am on
Linux macbook 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 1 20:53:41 UTC 2009
x86_64 GNU/Linux
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Oct 5 2008, 19:29:17)
matplotlib 0.98.3
downloaded from the Ubuntu repositories for 8.10.

I ran

python --verbose-helpful

/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pytz/ UserWarning:
Module dateutil was already imported from
/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dateutil/, but
/var/lib/python-support/python2.5 is being added to sys.path
  from pkg_resources import resource_stream
matplotlib data path /usr/share/matplotlib/mpl-data
loaded rc file /etc/matplotlibrc
matplotlib version 0.98.3
verbose.level helpful
interactive is False
units is False
platform is linux2
Using fontManager instance from /home/buschi/.matplotlib/fontManager.cache
backend TkAgg version 8.4
Found dvipng version 1.11


python --verbose-debug

/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pytz/ UserWarning:
Module dateutil was already imported from
/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/dateutil/, but
/var/lib/python-support/python2.5 is being added to sys.path
  from pkg_resources import resource_stream
matplotlib data path /usr/share/matplotlib/mpl-data
loaded rc file /etc/matplotlibrc
matplotlib version 0.98.3
verbose.level debug
interactive is False
units is False
platform is linux2
loaded modules: ['numpy.lib.pkgutil', 'numpy.lib.tempfile',
'', 'xml.sax.urlparse', 'distutils', 'matplotlib.errno',
'matplotlib.matplotlib', '_bisect', 'numpy.core.defchararray',
'numpy.lib.bz2', 'matplotlib.tempfile', 'distutils.sysconfig',
'ctypes._endian', 'encodings.encodings', 'matplotlib.dateutil',
'matplotlib.colors', 'numpy.core.numerictypes', 'numpy.testing.sys',
'', 'xml', 'numpy.fft.types', '',
'distutils.dep_util', '', 'struct', '',
'tempfile', 'mmap', 'xml.sax.urllib', 'numpy.linalg',
'matplotlib.threading', 'numpy.testing.operator', 'imp', 'compiler.sys',
'collections', 'compiler.pyassem', 'numpy.core.umath', '_struct',
'unittest', '', 'numpy.lib.numpy', 'numpy.testing.types',
'compiler.ast', '', 'zipimport', 'string',
'numpy.testing.os', 'matplotlib.locale', 'numpy.lib.arraysetops',
'numpy.testing.unittest', 'numpy.lib.inspect', 'encodings.utf_8',
'matplotlib.__future__', 'pytz.tzinfo', 'numpy.ctypeslib',
'', 'itertools', 'numpy.version', '',
'', 'ctypes.os', 'compiler.token', 'numpy.core.os',
'compiler', 'numpy.lib.type_check', 'httplib', 'bisect', 'signal',
'compiler.consts', 'numpy.lib._datasource', 'random', '',
'token', 'numpy.fft.fftpack_lite', 'shlex', 'ctypes.ctypes',
'xml.sax.xmlreader', 'matplotlib.pytz', 'numpy.__builtin__',
'numpy.testing.shlex', 'distutils.log', 'dis', 'numpy.lib.itertools',
'cStringIO', 'zlib', 'numpy.numpy', 'matplotlib.StringIO',
'numpy.random.mtrand', 'numpy.add_newdocs', 'numpy.lib.getlimits',
'compiler.dis', 'compiler.transformer', 'xml.sax.saxutils',
'compiler.struct', 'pkgutil', 'compiler.parser', 'numpy.lib.sys',
'encodings', 'compiler.symbol', '', 'StringIO', 'dateutil',
'pydoc', 'pytz.cStringIO', 'numpy.imp', 'numpy.ctypes',
'matplotlib.warnings', 'rfc822', 'matplotlib.string', 'pytz.pytz',
'urllib', 'matplotlib.sys', 're', 'numpy.lib._compiled_base',
'threading', 'numpy.core.mmap', 'new', 'numpy.lib.struct', 'symbol',
'math', 'numpy.fft.helper', 'fcntl', '',
'compiler.imp', 'UserDict', 'inspect', 'distutils.os', 'matplotlib',
'urllib2', 'pytz.os', 'fnmatch', '', 'numpy.testing',
'numpy.testing.glob', 'numpy.lib.warnings', 'ctypes.struct', 'codecs',
'numpy.core._sort', 'numpy.os', 'pytz.bisect', 'compiler.visitor',
'md5', 'numpy.testing.difflib', 'matplotlib.sre_constants',
'matplotlib.os', 'thread', 'numpy.lib.ufunclike', 'numpy.core.memmap',
'traceback', 'pkg_resources', 'numpy.testing.warnings', 'weakref',
'numpy.core._internal', 'numpy.fft.fftpack', 'opcode',
'numpy.core.scalarmath', 'numpy.linalg.lapack_lite', 'ctypes',
'distutils.sys', 'os', 'marshal', 'sre_parse', 'numpy.lib.shutil',
'__future__', 'numpy.core.string', 'matplotlib.copy', 'xml.sax.types',
'numpy.random.numpy', '_sre', 'numpy.lib.gzip', 'numpy.core.sys',
'numpy.random', 'numpy.linalg.numpy', '__builtin__',
'numpy.lib.twodim_base', '', '',
'numpy.core.cPickle', 'base64', 'operator', 'numpy.testing.parametric',
'numpy.core.arrayprint', 'distutils.string', 'ctypes._ctypes', '_heapq',
'ctypes.sys', 'matplotlib.datetime', 'posixpath', '',
'numpy.core.multiarray', 'errno', 'numpy.testing.numpy', '_socket',
'binascii', 'numpy.lib.compiler', 'sre_constants', 'compiler.cStringIO',
'locale', 'compiler.os', 'matplotlib.md5', 'types', 'pytz.sys',
'tokenize', 'xml.sax.handler', 'numpy.core.numpy', 'numpy',
'numpy.lib.urlparse', 'pytz.pkg_resources', 'matplotlib.types',
'numpy.core.defmatrix', 'xml.sax.os', 'cPickle', 'matplotlib.xml',
'_codecs', '_locale', 'matplotlib.traceback', 'numpy.__config__',
'', 'numpy.lib.types', 'pytz', 'matplotlib.pyparsing',
'compiler.copy_reg', '', 'copy', '',
'socket', '_types', 'numpy.core.fromnumeric', 'hashlib',
'compiler.future', 'matplotlib.cbook', 'numpy.core.copy_reg',
'numpy.lib.scimath', 'numpy.fft', 'numpy.lib', '_ctypes',
'apport_python_hook', 'posix', 'encodings.aliases',
'matplotlib.fontconfig_pattern', 'exceptions', 'xml.sax._exceptions',
'datetime', 'sets', 'numpy.core.cStringIO', 'numpy.core.ctypes',
'mimetools', 'distutils.distutils', 'copy_reg', 'sre_compile',
'xml.sax', 'compiler.compiler', '_hashlib', '_random', 'parser', 'site',
'numpy.lib.polynomial', 'numpy._import_tools', 'numpy.glob',
'pytz.struct', 'numpy.lib.time', '__main__', 'compiler.misc',
'numpy.core.records', 'shutil', 'numpy.lib.cPickle', 'numpy.sys',
'matplotlib.weakref', 'numpy.lib.pydoc', 'numpy.core._dotblas',
'numpy.testing.traceback', 'strop', 'compiler.pycodegen',
'numpy.core.numeric', 'pytz.tzfile', '',
'encodings.codecs', 'gettext', 'pytz.datetime', 'heapq',
'numpy.lib.cStringIO', 'numpy.core', '',
'matplotlib.rcsetup', 'matplotlib.time', 'pytz.sets',
'matplotlib.numpy', 'xml.sax.codecs', 'stat', '_ssl', 'numpy.lib.utils',
'numpy.lib.index_tricks', 'numpy.testing.utils', 'warnings',
'encodings.types', 'numpy.lib.math', 'glob', 'numpy.lib.shape_base',
'distutils.util', 'numpy.core.types', 'numpy.fft.numpy', 'repr', 'sys',
'numpy.core.warnings', 'numpy.lib.urllib2', 'compiler.types',
'numpy.core.__builtin__', 'xml.sax.sys', 'numpy.lib.format',
'numpy.lib.os', '', 'os.path', 'bz2', 'pytz.gettext',
'sitecustomize', 'compiler.symbols', 'distutils.spawn',
'matplotlib.distutils', '_weakref', 'numpy.testing.numpytest',
'difflib', 'distutils.errors', 'urlparse', 'linecache',
'matplotlib.shutil', 'numpy.lib.function_base', 'numpy.testing.imp',
'time', 'gzip', 'numpy.lib.machar', 'compiler.marshal',
'numpy.linalg.linalg', 'compiler.syntax']
Using fontManager instance from /home/buschi/.matplotlib/fontManager.cache
backend TkAgg version 8.4
  findfont found Bitstream Vera Sans, normal, normal 400, normal, 12.0
findfont returning /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf
Found dvipng version 1.11

The resulting graph is not colored -- but in the directory
~/.matplotlib/tex.cache/ the text is green, both in the dvi and the png

It therefore seems to me that this is not completely hopeless but I
cannot figure out how to proceed.

As far as I know, in matplotlib, all the tex png output is treated as
grey internally (the only exception I know of is ps backend, e.g.,
your example will show you a correct color if you save it as ps). I
guess this may have been a design decision.
As far as I can see, MPL currently does not support texts with varying
font properties (size, color, font).
One possible workaround for this could be using the latex typesetting
as you tried. However, supporting this within the current text
framework of matplotlib would be difficult and may not be a good idea.

However, I guess there are a few workarounds you may consider to use
(but unfortunately I think none of them are easy to work with). So, if
you describe where you intend to use multi-color text, I'll try to
give some example appropriate for your situation. Multi-color text in
figure title or simple annotation would be relatively simple.
Multi-color text in legend label seems to be more difficult, but
should be doable.


Hello list,

I'm not sure that following problem also occurs for Sebastian, but if I use
PS-backend in the below script I get the attached output, where the upper
part of the b is somehow hidden (matplotlib-version 0.98.6svn).
Is this a problem of matplotlib or did I miss something in the tex-handling?

best regards Matthias


from matplotlib import use, rc
from pylab import figure, savefig

rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('text.latex', preamble="\usepackage{color}")

f = figure()
f.text(0.5, 0.5, r"{\color[rgb]{0,1,0} a } b {\color{blue} \\nu, \\mu, \\tau}")


test_tex_color.eps (17.9 KB) (17.9 KB)



On Monday 11 May 2009 20:36:58 Jae-Joon Lee wrote:

> The resulting graph is not colored -- but in the directory
> ~/.matplotlib/tex.cache/ the text is green, both in the dvi and the png
> file!
> It therefore seems to me that this is not completely hopeless but I
> cannot figure out how to proceed.

As far as I know, in matplotlib, all the tex png output is treated as
grey internally (the only exception I know of is ps backend, e.g.,
your example will show you a correct color if you save it as ps). I
guess this may have been a design decision.
As far as I can see, MPL currently does not support texts with varying
font properties (size, color, font).
One possible workaround for this could be using the latex typesetting
as you tried. However, supporting this within the current text
framework of matplotlib would be difficult and may not be a good idea.

However, I guess there are a few workarounds you may consider to use
(but unfortunately I think none of them are easy to work with). So, if
you describe where you intend to use multi-color text, I'll try to
give some example appropriate for your situation. Multi-color text in
figure title or simple annotation would be relatively simple.
Multi-color text in legend label seems to be more difficult, but
should be doable.


--- The NEW KODAK i700 Series Scanners deliver under ANY circumstances! Your
production scanning environment may not be a perfect world - but thanks to
Kodak, there's a perfect scanner to get the job done! With the NEW KODAK
i700 Series Scanner you'll get full speed at 300 dpi even with all image
processing features enabled.
Matplotlib-users mailing list
matplotlib-users List Signup and Options

Hey Jae-Joon!

Thank you for your answer!

Jae-Joon Lee wrote:

...your example will show you a correct color if you save it as ps...

Indeed the ps output is colored! That's great :slight_smile:

... describe where you intend to use multi-color text ...

OK, you got me -- actually, this was already a hack. My problem is that
I have labels which read something like

d = 12m

where the number varies within ]0, 20[. I would have liked to get an
aligned legend, like

d = 9m
d = 10m

In order to achieve that, i was trying to print a white (=invisible) "1"
whenever the number was smaller than 10 as spaceholder (I do not want to
use a monospaced font). Obviously, this doesn't work any more as soon as
you reach 20...

Thanks again for the help -- I'm happy for the moment, but if you (or
someone else) can show me how to align the legend, it would be great.

Best wishes,

Hey Matthias!

Thanks for working on that!

Matthias Michler wrote:

... I'm not sure that following problem also occurs for Sebastian, ...

it does.

... PS-backend ... the upper part of the b is somehow hidden ...
f.text(0.5, 0.5, r"{\color[rgb]{0,1,0} a } b {\color{blue} \\nu, \\mu, \\tau}")

In addition to that, I have the strange behaviour that the "b" is not
displayed at all when using

f.text(0.5, 0.5, r"{\color[rgb]{0,1,0} a } b")
--> gives only a green "a"

but it is without the "color" command:

f.text(0.5, 0.5, r"{ a } b")
--> gives black "a b"

Pretty weird, isn't it?

Hello list,

I'm not sure that following problem also occurs for Sebastian, but if I use
PS-backend in the below script I get the attached output, where the upper
part of the b is somehow hidden (matplotlib-version 0.98.6svn).
Is this a problem of matplotlib or did I miss something in the tex-handling?

Unfortunately, I don't see such problem, although the problem seems to
be due to a wrong bounding box.

Are you using the most recent svn? There has been some recent changes
in ps backend. Before the changes (r7068, r7074), the ps backend tried
to adjust the bounding box of the output ps file. However, as far as I
can see, this often gave a wrong bounding box (and I guess your
problem might be related with this issue). The above mentioned changes
somehow bypass that bbox adjustment. The resulting bounding box should
have the size of the figure if saved in eps, or size of the paper
("letter" or "a4", I guess) if saved in ps.




On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 5:04 AM, Matthias Michler <MatthiasMichler@...361...> wrote:

best regards Matthias


from matplotlib import use, rc
from pylab import figure, savefig

rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('text.latex', preamble="\usepackage{color}")

f = figure()
f.text(0.5, 0.5, r"{\color[rgb]{0,1,0} a } b {\color{blue} \\nu, \\mu, \\tau}")



On Monday 11 May 2009 20:36:58 Jae-Joon Lee wrote:

> The resulting graph is not colored -- but in the directory
> ~/.matplotlib/tex.cache/ the text is green, both in the dvi and the png
> file!
> It therefore seems to me that this is not completely hopeless but I
> cannot figure out how to proceed.

As far as I know, in matplotlib, all the tex png output is treated as
grey internally (the only exception I know of is ps backend, e.g.,
your example will show you a correct color if you save it as ps). I
guess this may have been a design decision.
As far as I can see, MPL currently does not support texts with varying
font properties (size, color, font).
One possible workaround for this could be using the latex typesetting
as you tried. However, supporting this within the current text
framework of matplotlib would be difficult and may not be a good idea.

However, I guess there are a few workarounds you may consider to use
(but unfortunately I think none of them are easy to work with). So, if
you describe where you intend to use multi-color text, I'll try to
give some example appropriate for your situation. Multi-color text in
figure title or simple annotation would be relatively simple.
Multi-color text in legend label seems to be more difficult, but
should be doable.


--- The NEW KODAK i700 Series Scanners deliver under ANY circumstances! Your
production scanning environment may not be a perfect world - but thanks to
Kodak, there's a perfect scanner to get the job done! With the NEW KODAK
i700 Series Scanner you'll get full speed at 300 dpi even with all image
processing features enabled.
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The NEW KODAK i700 Series Scanners deliver under ANY circumstances! Your
production scanning environment may not be a perfect world - but thanks to
Kodak, there's a perfect scanner to get the job done! With the NEW KODAK i700
Series Scanner you'll get full speed at 300 dpi even with all image
processing features enabled.
Matplotlib-users mailing list
matplotlib-users List Signup and Options

Hmm, odd. It gives me both letters in their correct color.

Please post your result with the script you used to create it. And,
what version of mpl are you using? Also, if possible, please try to
install the mpl from the svn and see this problem still exists.



On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 5:55 AM, Sebastian Busch <webmaster@...2599...> wrote:

f.text(0.5, 0.5, r"{\color[rgb]{0,1,0} a } b")
--> gives only a green "a"

Hi Jae-Joon,

I updated to svn-revision 7099 and the problem (hidden part of b) still
exists. Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for any hints.

best regards Matthias


On Tuesday 12 May 2009 20:46:06 Jae-Joon Lee wrote:

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 5:04 AM, Matthias Michler > > <MatthiasMichler@...361...> wrote:
> Hello list,
> I'm not sure that following problem also occurs for Sebastian, but if I
> use PS-backend in the below script I get the attached output, where the
> upper part of the b is somehow hidden (matplotlib-version 0.98.6svn).
> Is this a problem of matplotlib or did I miss something in the
> tex-handling?

Unfortunately, I don't see such problem, although the problem seems to
be due to a wrong bounding box.

Are you using the most recent svn? There has been some recent changes
in ps backend. Before the changes (r7068, r7074), the ps backend tried
to adjust the bounding box of the output ps file. However, as far as I
can see, this often gave a wrong bounding box (and I guess your
problem might be related with this issue). The above mentioned changes
somehow bypass that bbox adjustment. The resulting bounding box should
have the size of the figure if saved in eps, or size of the paper
("letter" or "a4", I guess) if saved in ps.



> best regards Matthias
>> ----------------------------------------
> from matplotlib import use, rc
> use('PS')
> from pylab import figure, savefig
> rc('text', usetex=True)
> rc('text.latex', preamble="\usepackage{color}")
> f = figure()
> f.text(0.5, 0.5, r"{\color[rgb]{0,1,0} a } b {\color{blue} \\nu, \\mu, &gt; \\tau}")
> savefig('')
>> ----------------------------------------
> On Monday 11 May 2009 20:36:58 Jae-Joon Lee wrote:
>> > The resulting graph is not colored -- but in the directory
>> > ~/.matplotlib/tex.cache/ the text is green, both in the dvi and the
>> > png file!
>> >
>> > It therefore seems to me that this is not completely hopeless but I
>> > cannot figure out how to proceed.
>> As far as I know, in matplotlib, all the tex png output is treated as
>> grey internally (the only exception I know of is ps backend, e.g.,
>> your example will show you a correct color if you save it as ps). I
>> guess this may have been a design decision.
>> As far as I can see, MPL currently does not support texts with varying
>> font properties (size, color, font).
>> One possible workaround for this could be using the latex typesetting
>> as you tried. However, supporting this within the current text
>> framework of matplotlib would be difficult and may not be a good idea.
>> However, I guess there are a few workarounds you may consider to use
>> (but unfortunately I think none of them are easy to work with). So, if
>> you describe where you intend to use multi-color text, I'll try to
>> give some example appropriate for your situation. Multi-color text in
>> figure title or simple annotation would be relatively simple.
>> Multi-color text in legend label seems to be more difficult, but
>> should be doable.
>> -JJ

Hmm, I have no idea what is wrong and I'm afraid that there is not
much I can do.
ps backend undergoes several steps (tex - dvi - ps - [distiller]) to
produce the final output, and it is hard to track down the problem
without actually reproducing one.

Just in case, can you change your distiller option and see if it makes
any difference?

rc("ps", usedistiller="ghostscript") # this would be the default


rc("ps", usedistiller="xpdf")



On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 3:22 AM, Matthias Michler <MatthiasMichler@...361...> wrote:

Hi Jae-Joon,

I updated to svn-revision 7099 and the problem (hidden part of b) still
exists. Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for any hints.

best regards Matthias

On Tuesday 12 May 2009 20:46:06 Jae-Joon Lee wrote:

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 5:04 AM, Matthias Michler >> >> <MatthiasMichler@...361...> wrote:
> Hello list,
> I'm not sure that following problem also occurs for Sebastian, but if I
> use PS-backend in the below script I get the attached output, where the
> upper part of the b is somehow hidden (matplotlib-version 0.98.6svn).
> Is this a problem of matplotlib or did I miss something in the
> tex-handling?

Unfortunately, I don't see such problem, although the problem seems to
be due to a wrong bounding box.

Are you using the most recent svn? There has been some recent changes
in ps backend. Before the changes (r7068, r7074), the ps backend tried
to adjust the bounding box of the output ps file. However, as far as I
can see, this often gave a wrong bounding box (and I guess your
problem might be related with this issue). The above mentioned changes
somehow bypass that bbox adjustment. The resulting bounding box should
have the size of the figure if saved in eps, or size of the paper
("letter" or "a4", I guess) if saved in ps.



> best regards Matthias
>> ----------------------------------------
> from matplotlib import use, rc
> use('PS')
> from pylab import figure, savefig
> rc('text', usetex=True)
> rc('text.latex', preamble="\usepackage{color}")
> f = figure()
> f.text(0.5, 0.5, r"{\color[rgb]{0,1,0} a } b {\color{blue} \\nu, \\mu, &gt; \\tau}")
> savefig('')
>> ----------------------------------------
> On Monday 11 May 2009 20:36:58 Jae-Joon Lee wrote:
>> > The resulting graph is not colored -- but in the directory
>> > ~/.matplotlib/tex.cache/ the text is green, both in the dvi and the
>> > png file!
>> >
>> > It therefore seems to me that this is not completely hopeless but I
>> > cannot figure out how to proceed.
>> As far as I know, in matplotlib, all the tex png output is treated as
>> grey internally (the only exception I know of is ps backend, e.g.,
>> your example will show you a correct color if you save it as ps). I
>> guess this may have been a design decision.
>> As far as I can see, MPL currently does not support texts with varying
>> font properties (size, color, font).
>> One possible workaround for this could be using the latex typesetting
>> as you tried. However, supporting this within the current text
>> framework of matplotlib would be difficult and may not be a good idea.
>> However, I guess there are a few workarounds you may consider to use
>> (but unfortunately I think none of them are easy to work with). So, if
>> you describe where you intend to use multi-color text, I'll try to
>> give some example appropriate for your situation. Multi-color text in
>> figure title or simple annotation would be relatively simple.
>> Multi-color text in legend label seems to be more difficult, but
>> should be doable.
>> -JJ

The NEW KODAK i700 Series Scanners deliver under ANY circumstances! Your
production scanning environment may not be a perfect world - but thanks to
Kodak, there's a perfect scanner to get the job done! With the NEW KODAK i700
Series Scanner you'll get full speed at 300 dpi even with all image
processing features enabled.
Matplotlib-users mailing list
matplotlib-users List Signup and Options

Hi Jae-Joon,

thank you very much for taking the time and for your suggestions. Indeed the
different distillers yield different output as you can see in the attached
pics. Does this mean that this behaviour is due to tex / the installed
distiller or are different distillers differently handled in matplotlib?
Especially the different used papersize A4/Letter vs. small region around text
seems to be remarkable.

best regards
Matthias (17.9 KB) (18.6 KB)


On Wednesday 13 May 2009 20:48:09 Jae-Joon Lee wrote:

Hmm, I have no idea what is wrong and I'm afraid that there is not
much I can do.
ps backend undergoes several steps (tex - dvi - ps - [distiller]) to
produce the final output, and it is hard to track down the problem
without actually reproducing one.

Just in case, can you change your distiller option and see if it makes
any difference?

rc("ps", usedistiller="ghostscript") # this would be the default


rc("ps", usedistiller="xpdf")


On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 3:22 AM, Matthias Michler > > <MatthiasMichler@...361...> wrote:
> Hi Jae-Joon,
> I updated to svn-revision 7099 and the problem (hidden part of b) still
> exists. Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks in advance for any hints.
> best regards Matthias
> On Tuesday 12 May 2009 20:46:06 Jae-Joon Lee wrote:
>> On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 5:04 AM, Matthias Michler > >> > >> <MatthiasMichler@...361...> wrote:
>> > Hello list,
>> >
>> > I'm not sure that following problem also occurs for Sebastian, but if
>> > I use PS-backend in the below script I get the attached output, where
>> > the upper part of the b is somehow hidden (matplotlib-version
>> > 0.98.6svn). Is this a problem of matplotlib or did I miss something in
>> > the tex-handling?
>> Unfortunately, I don't see such problem, although the problem seems to
>> be due to a wrong bounding box.
>> Are you using the most recent svn? There has been some recent changes
>> in ps backend. Before the changes (r7068, r7074), the ps backend tried
>> to adjust the bounding box of the output ps file. However, as far as I
>> can see, this often gave a wrong bounding box (and I guess your
>> problem might be related with this issue). The above mentioned changes
>> somehow bypass that bbox adjustment. The resulting bounding box should
>> have the size of the figure if saved in eps, or size of the paper
>> ("letter" or "a4", I guess) if saved in ps.
>> regards,
>> -JJ
>> > best regards Matthias
>> >
>> >> ----------------------------------------
>> >
>> > from matplotlib import use, rc
>> > use('PS')
>> > from pylab import figure, savefig
>> >
>> > rc('text', usetex=True)
>> > rc('text.latex', preamble="\usepackage{color}")
>> >
>> > f = figure()
>> > f.text(0.5, 0.5, r"{\color[rgb]{0,1,0} a } b {\color{blue} \\nu, \\mu, &gt;&gt; &gt; \\tau}")
>> >
>> > savefig('')
>> >
>> >> ----------------------------------------
>> >
>> > On Monday 11 May 2009 20:36:58 Jae-Joon Lee wrote:
>> >> > The resulting graph is not colored -- but in the directory
>> >> > ~/.matplotlib/tex.cache/ the text is green, both in the dvi and the
>> >> > png file!
>> >> >
>> >> > It therefore seems to me that this is not completely hopeless but I
>> >> > cannot figure out how to proceed.
>> >>
>> >> As far as I know, in matplotlib, all the tex png output is treated as
>> >> grey internally (the only exception I know of is ps backend, e.g.,
>> >> your example will show you a correct color if you save it as ps). I
>> >> guess this may have been a design decision.
>> >> As far as I can see, MPL currently does not support texts with
>> >> varying font properties (size, color, font).
>> >> One possible workaround for this could be using the latex typesetting
>> >> as you tried. However, supporting this within the current text
>> >> framework of matplotlib would be difficult and may not be a good
>> >> idea.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> However, I guess there are a few workarounds you may consider to use
>> >> (but unfortunately I think none of them are easy to work with). So,
>> >> if you describe where you intend to use multi-color text, I'll try to
>> >> give some example appropriate for your situation. Multi-color text in
>> >> figure title or simple annotation would be relatively simple.
>> >> Multi-color text in legend label seems to be more difficult, but
>> >> should be doable.
>> >>
>> >> -JJ
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