: ( Problem With atplotlib.pyplot.plotfile : IndexError: list index out of range

when i ploted column data from an ASCII space delimited file :

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plotfile(‘data.txt’,cols=(0,1), delimiter=’ ')

the shell throwed this message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “E:\python\PyCode\mycod\plot.py”, line 3, in
plt.plotfile(‘data.txt’,cols=(0,1), delimiter=’ ')
File “G:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\pyplot.py”, line 1213, in plotfile
skiprows=skiprows, checkrows=checkrows, delimiter=delimiter)
File “G:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\mlab.py”, line 2413, in csv2rec
r = np.rec.fromrecords(rows, names=names)
File “G:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\records.py”, line 566, in fromrecords
titles=titles, aligned=aligned, byteorder=byteorder)
File “G:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\records.py”, line 480, in fromarrays
shape = arrayList[0].shape
IndexError: list index out of range

i try to google the problem ,but not useful.

please help me

the file is like this:

1 1.3 -4.05559696865 -4.09974234722 -13.5352323201 -13.3915384615
2 1.6 -7.12113939205 -7.1840871019 -7.36774833801 -7.32
3 1.9 -8.47624597145 -8.54549326814 -1.80919105829 -1.80157894737
4 2.2 -8.20665402703 -8.27497664874 3.62170535847 3.61090909091
5 2.5 -6.30322275637 -6.36597756498 9.16959519076 9.15
6 2.8 -2.70489691257 -2.75886601235 14.9723303533 14.9485714286
7 3.1 2.68017545558 2.63734932421 21.113614709 21.0880645161
8 3.4 9.96327191283 9.93338964107 27.6472562954 27.6211764706
9 3.7 19.2685292328 19.2530123284 34.6094390338 34.5835135135