Plotting specgram with matplotlib for multiple arrays

I need the help with this issue, I have the following values this and I would like to plot the spectrogram for these values and I am using the following code and getting an error :

[[ 0.         35.34028168 36.09317546 20.88056919 35.65257548 36.39835111
  29.89568243 34.94770207 36.03834023 36.51054007]
 [35.34028168  0.         36.31999524 34.455879   35.46084735 35.99851703
  35.23984878 35.98339627 35.87905754 36.08155069]
 [36.09317546 36.31999524  0.         35.68280382 36.11374003 35.30407355
  35.97087692 36.20023994 35.75066441 36.01957597]
 [20.88056919 34.455879   35.68280382  0.         24.76405132 36.31596819
  30.47948816 36.27410762 36.30076717 35.76478691]
 [35.65257548 35.46084735 36.11374003 24.76405132  0.         36.17666549
  29.51602419 36.33520073 36.21391866 36.19753349]
 [36.39835111 35.99851703 35.30407355 36.31596819 36.17666549  0.
  36.22994817 36.32591538 36.05558867 36.20784639]
 [29.89568243 35.23984878 35.97087692 30.47948816 29.51602419 36.22994817
   0.         36.14432269 36.19523145 35.40707841]
 [34.94770207 35.98339627 36.20023994 36.27410762 36.33520073 36.32591538
  36.14432269  0.         36.05260398 36.38549268]
 [36.03834023 35.87905754 35.75066441 36.30076717 36.21391866 36.05558867
  36.19523145 36.05260398  0.         35.92987568]
 [36.51054007 36.08155069 36.01957597 35.76478691 36.19753349 36.20784639
  35.40707841 36.38549268 35.92987568  0.        ]]

pad_xextent = (NFFT-noverlap) / Fs / 2 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: ‘int’ and ‘NoneType’

With what version? It sounds like you’re using an old version of Matplotlib.