plots into multi-page pdf

Hi list,

I am using matplotlib to create single page plots and the whole process works fine. However, when I am done, I end up with lots of single page pdf files. Is there a way to get matplotlib to combine them all into a single PDF file?

I tried using another package PyPDF but ended up with either file I/O problems or too many file opened problem. I am hoping that this can be done within matplotlib and not require yet another package.



John Henry

ghostscript can do it

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=123.pdf 1.pdf
2.pdf 3.pdf


kc106_2005-matplotlib@...9... wrote:


Hi list,

I am using matplotlib to create single page plots and the whole process works fine. However, when I am done, I end up with lots of single page pdf files. Is there a way to get matplotlib to combine them all into a single PDF file?

I tried using another package PyPDF but ended up with either file I/O problems or too many file opened problem. I am hoping that this can be done within matplotlib and not require yet another package.


John Henry

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I am trying to draw a stacked bar chart where the 1st section is much
much larger than the others.

Is there a way to have a break in the chart passing through the 1st bar
that indicates part of the bar is missing?




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