[ploting data] Live data

I think you forget to set the layout on your central widget.

self.main_widget.setLayout(vbl) # in your case



On 12/4/2011 9:57 AM, matplotlib-users-request@lists.sourceforge.net wrote:

2011/12/2 Daniel Hyams<dhyams@...287...>:

> I don't have PyQt installed, so I couldn't test the code, but don't you want
> to be using "extend" and not "append", if you are returning a list from your
> two get_info() functions?
> On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 8:13 AM, Fabien Lafont<lafont.fabien@...287...> >> > wrote:

>> Hello everyone, I'm trying to plot live data extracting from remote
>> devices (here it's simulated by get_info1 and 2 the result is always
>> 0.8 or 0.9
>> I can't understand why it doesnt plot the graph at the end of the
>> while loop. Does somebody has an idea?

Thx all for your remarks,

I can't understand why this code works (when I use the timer method):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 02 17:10:22 2011

@author: lafont

#!/usr/bin/env python

from visa import *
from pylab import *
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import NavigationToolbar2QTAgg
as NavigationToolbar



class CPUMonitor(FigureCanvas):
    """Matplotlib Figure widget"""
    def __init__(self,parent):

        # first image setup
        self.fig = Figure()
        self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
        # initialization of the canvas
        FigureCanvas.__init__(self, self.fig)
        # set specific limits for X and Y axes
# self.ax.set_xlim(0, 40)
# self.ax.set_ylim(0, 1.5)

        # generates first "empty" plots
        self.user, self.nice = ,
        self.l_user, = self.ax.plot(, self.user, label='Voltage')
        self.l_nice, = self.ax.plot(, self.nice, label='Voltage2')

        # add legend to plot

        # force a redraw of the Figure

        # start the timer, to trigger an event every x milliseconds)
        self.timer = self.startTimer(1000)

    def get_info(self):
        return [0.8]
    def get_info2(self) :
        return [0.9]

    def set_voltage(self) :
        print "ok"


    def timerEvent(self, evt):
        """Custom timerEvent code, called upon timer event receive"""
        result1 = self.get_info()
        result2 = self.get_info2()

# append new data to the datasets
        # update lines data using the lists with new data
        self.l_user.set_data(range(len(self.user)), self.user)
        self.l_nice.set_data(range(len(self.nice)), self.nice)
        # force a redraw of the Figure


class ApplicationWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
    """Example main window"""
    def __init__(self):
        # initialization of Qt MainWindow widget
        # set window title
        self.setWindowTitle("QHE manip")
        # instantiate a widget, it will be the main one
        self.main_widget = QtGui.QWidget(self)
        # create a vertical box layout widget
        vbl = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.main_widget)

        # instantiate our Matplotlib canvas widget
        qmc = CPUMonitor(self.main_widget)
        # instantiate the navigation toolbar
        ntb = NavigationToolbar(qmc, self.main_widget)
        # pack these widget into the vertical box

        # set the focus on the main widget
        # set the central widget of MainWindow to main_widget

# create the GUI application
qApp = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
# instantiate the ApplicationWindow widget
aw = ApplicationWindow()
# show the widget
# start the Qt main loop execution, exiting from this script
# with the same return code of Qt application

And this code doesn't show anything... Somebody understand why?



2011/12/4 David Hoese <dhoese@...287...>

I think you forget to set the layout on your central widget.

self.main_widget.setLayout(vbl) # in your case


On 12/4/2011 9:57 AM, matplotlib-users-request@lists.sourceforge.net wrote:
> 2011/12/2 Daniel Hyams<dhyams@...287...>:
>> > I don't have PyQt installed, so I couldn't test the code, but don't you want
>> > to be using "extend" and not "append", if you are returning a list from your
>> > two get_info() functions?
>> >
>> > On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 8:13 AM, Fabien Lafont<lafont.fabien@...1003...7...> > >> > wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Hello everyone, I'm trying to plot live data extracting from remote
>>> >> devices (here it's simulated by get_info1 and 2 the result is always
>>> >> 0.8 or 0.9
>>> >>
>>> >> I can't understand why it doesnt plot the graph at the end of the
>>> >> while loop. Does somebody has an idea?

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