plot as individual "colorbars"

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
<jerzy.karczmarczuk@...3937...> writes:

Could you provide a /working/ example with the geometry you really want?
I believe I thought more or less about it as Tony Yu did. If it is
wrong, be more precise, please.

I have a data set that looks like this:

mydata = numpy.copy([

# lambda, data

# First data row
[[5002., 0.5],
  [5200., 0.34],
  [5251., -1.2],
# ...
  [8997., 2.4]],

# second data row
[[5002., 0.72],
  [5251., 0.9],
# ...
  [8997., 0.1]],

# other data rows to follow
# ...

where I want to put the first column (lambda) on the Y axis, which each
data row as one colorbar (like in your code), and the data as the color
of that data point -- interpolated vertically.

Best regards


OK, I see now.

Unfortunately, this makes it quite a bit more complex, but it’s still doable. Part of the complexity arises because of (what I believe to be) a quirk in NonUniformImage: You can pass an extent argument, but this only rescales the data—it doesn’t clip the data. You have to manually clip the borders of each bar.

Here’s an example:


On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Olе Streicher <ole-usenet-spam@…361…> wrote:

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
<jerzy.karczmarczuk@…3937…> writes:

Could you provide a /working/ example with the geometry you really want?

I believe I thought more or less about it as Tony Yu did. If it is

wrong, be more precise, please.

I have a data set that looks like this:

mydata = numpy.copy([

lambda, data

First data row

[[5002., 0.5],

[5200., 0.34],

[5251., -1.2],

[8997., 2.4]],

second data row

[[5002., 0.72],

[5251., 0.9],

[8997., 0.1]],

other data rows to follow


where I want to put the first column (lambda) on the Y axis, which each

data row as one colorbar (like in your code), and the data as the color

of that data point – interpolated vertically.

Best regards



import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib.image import NonUniformImage

width = 0.5

height = 10

ax = plt.gca()

for x0 in np.arange(11):

y = np.sort(np.random.uniform(high=height, size=10))

z = np.random.random(size=(10, 1))

Note NonUniformImage fails with single column; double up data

z = np.repeat(z, 2, axis=1)

x = [x0, x0]

extent = (x0-width/2., x0+width/2, y[0], y[-1])

im = NonUniformImage(ax, interpolation=‘bilinear’, extent=extent)

im.set_data(x, y, z)

clip image

x_left = extent[0]

xm = [x_left, x_left + width, x_left + width, x_left]

ym = [0, 0, height, height]

mask, = ax.fill(xm, ym, facecolor=‘none’, edgecolor=‘none’)



ax.set_xlim(-width, x0+width)




Not a quirk. Extent is used to define a domain for the passed in data. If none is given, one is assumed from the input data. If you want clipping, either set x and y limits or pass in a slice of the data.

Ben Root


On Saturday, February 18, 2012, Tony Yu wrote:

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Olе Streicher <ole-usenet-spam@…361…> wrote:

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
<jerzy.karczmarczuk@…3937…> writes:

Could you provide a /working/ example with the geometry you really want?

I believe I thought more or less about it as Tony Yu did. If it is

wrong, be more precise, please.

I have a data set that looks like this:

mydata = numpy.copy([

lambda, data

First data row

[[5002., 0.5],

[5200., 0.34],

[5251., -1.2],

[8997., 2.4]],

second data row

[[5002., 0.72],

[5251., 0.9],

[8997., 0.1]],

other data rows to follow


where I want to put the first column (lambda) on the Y axis, which each

data row as one colorbar (like in your code), and the data as the color

of that data point – interpolated vertically.

Best regards


OK, I see now.

Unfortunately, this makes it quite a bit more complex, but it’s still doable. Part of the complexity arises because of (what I believe to be) a quirk in NonUniformImage: You can pass an extent argument, but this only rescales the data—it doesn’t clip the data. You have to manually clip the borders of each bar.

Here’s an example:


import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib.image import NonUniformImage

width = 0.5

height = 10

ax = plt.gca()

for x0 in np.arange(11):

y = np.sort(np.random.uniform(high=height, size=10))

z = np.random.random(size=(10, 1))

Note NonUniformImage fails with single column; double up data

z = np.repeat(z, 2, axis=1)

x = [x0, x0]

extent = (x0-width/2., x0+width/2, y[0], y[-1])

im = NonUniformImage(ax, interpolation=‘bilinear’, extent=extent)

im.set_data(x, y, z)

clip image

x_left = extent[0]

xm = [x_left, x_left + width, x_left + width, x_left]

ym = [0, 0, height, height]

mask, = ax.fill(xm, ym, facecolor=‘none’, edgecolor=‘none’)



ax.set_xlim(-width, x0+width)


