Placing a toolbar on the canvas within tkinter

I thought this would be straight forward, since the instructions on this are quite clear, but my implementation varies sufficiently from the original that I have now gotten myself into a little confusion!

I have a class called MplCanvas:

class MplCanvas(FigureCanvasTkAgg):
    def __init__(self, parent=None, width = 7, height = 6, dpi = 100):
        fig = Figure(figsize = (width, height), dpi = dpi)
        self.axs = fig.add_subplot(111)                                                                                    # Create a subplot as a single plot
        super().__init__(fig, parent)

I then define an object of this class:

class GraphFrame(customtkinter.CTkFrame):
    def __init__(self, *args, graph = 0, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = MplCanvas(self, width = 7, height = 6, dpi = 100)

And then I use this within this new class. For example…

   def cm_graph(self, filenames):

        sa_sun = 4 * self.PI * math.pow(self.R_SUN, 2)                         # Solar surface area
        t_sun  = self.L_SUN / (sa_sun * self.SIGMA)                            # Solar surface temperature

        for index, filename in enumerate(filenames):                           # Loop through each file
            linename    = Path(filename)
            stellarData = self.readData(filename)				               # Read STELCOR data from file
            colour      = self.colours[index % 5]                              # Identify the colour for this particular file's data
            line        = self.lines[index // 4]                               # Define the line style to be used for this file's data

            l_star = stellarData[:, 4] / self.L_SUN                            # Calculate the ratio between the star's luminosity and our Sun's
            r_star = np.power(stellarData[:, 3] / self.R_SUN, 2)               # Calculate the ratio between the star's radius and our Sun's
            t_star = np.power((t_sun * l_star) / r_star, 0.25)                 # Calculates the temperature of the star
  [:], l_star[:], color = colour,        \
                linestyle = line, label = linename.stem)                            # Create a loglog plot of this file's data
       'Temperature Magnitude (TM) Diagram')'Surface Temperature (Kelvin) - ${(\frac{t_{\odot} \times L_{\star}}{R_{\odot}})}^\frac{1}{4}$')'Luminosity (Solar Units) - $\frac{L_{\star}}{L_{\odot}}$') = 0, column = 0)

However, I now want to add a toolbar to this frame. I have tried adding it to the object ( but this generates an (obvious) error. I can’t reference the fig that is within MplCanvas directly and not sure this would help anyway.

What am I missing (aside from a brain)?