parametric plot of two sets of discrete data


I have some two sets of data with their x- and y-coordinates, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). I want to plot these curves as a parametric plot:


from numpy import *
from pylab import *

t = arange (
0.0 , pi/2 , 0.05)
x1= cos(t)
y1 = -sin(t)
x2 = -1+2/pit
y2 = -2/pi

plotted as a normal plot

plot( t , x1 , t , y1 ,t , x2, t , y2)


I have read that this is done with the countour function, but I cannot figure out how. Can somebody help me.

Also I have tried to search for information in this forum using the search tool at the top of the page, but I could not get any hit even for obvious queries such as “output”. Is there something wrong?

Thank you in advance

I think you want something like

plot(x1, y1, 'g-', x2, y2, 'r-')


On Jan 2, 2008 10:25 PM, Aitor Gonzalez <aitor69gonzalez@...287...> wrote:


I have some two sets of data with their x- and y-coordinates, (x1, y1) and
(x2, y2). I want to plot these curves as a parametric plot:
from numpy import *
from pylab import *

t = arange ( 0.0 , pi/2 , 0.05)
x1= cos(t)
y1 = -sin(t)
x2 = -1+2/pi*t
y2 = -2/pi*t