os x egg fubar?

Because several people are reporting problems with the OS X egg, I
grabbed matplotlib-0.98.5-py2.5-macosx-10.3.egg from sourceforge and
unzipped it to see what was in there. It seems to contain no of the
extension code and no object files. What exactly is this thing? I am
no egg expert, but I don't see how this thing *could* work ...

I think the src egg approach for os x is hopeless because too many
people are having problems with architecture on png and zlib
dependencies, and we don't have a lot of control over this because
they are getting these dependencies from a variety of providers. I
think we need a binary installer, eg using bdist_mpkg, with the
freetype, png and zlib dependencies built in, as we have on windows.

Any takers?


Hmm, it appears that I missed all the *.so files -- must work on my
grep skills. Sorry for the noise



On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 3:24 PM, John Hunter <jdh2358@...149...> wrote:

Because several people are reporting problems with the OS X egg, I
grabbed matplotlib-0.98.5-py2.5-macosx-10.3.egg from sourceforge and
unzipped it to see what was in there. It seems to contain no of the
extension code and no object files. What exactly is this thing? I am
no egg expert, but I don't see how this thing *could* work ...

This build should be the same as all the previous. I do them as
I documented on the ipython pages. bdist_mpkg has been flat broke the
times I have tried it. bdist_egg seems pretty helpless too due to
setuptools lack of understanding of osx architectures. Most people
get a successful install, but then setuptools tries to go out and grab
the source anyways. I can't say that I know a good solution for osx.

- Charlie


On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 4:31 PM, John Hunter <jdh2358@...149...> wrote:

On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 3:24 PM, John Hunter <jdh2358@...149...> wrote:

Because several people are reporting problems with the OS X egg, I
grabbed matplotlib-0.98.5-py2.5-macosx-10.3.egg from sourceforge and
unzipped it to see what was in there. It seems to contain no of the
extension code and no object files. What exactly is this thing? I am
no egg expert, but I don't see how this thing *could* work ...

Hmm, it appears that I missed all the *.so files -- must work on my
grep skills. Sorry for the noise


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I worked on this yesterday on my flight back from the conference. I
added a dir to the mpl src tree called release/osx that has a Makefile
which has all the logic to fetch the bdist_mpkg (and patch it for
10.5), zlib, png, and freetype dependencies and build them using the
protocol Charlie wrote at
http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/MatplotlibOSXBuildNotes. It has a
custom setup.cfg which is incorporated by the Makefile. In this way,
we can get "1-click" or better yet "1-command" binary mpkg installers
and binary eggs for OS X. I'm including the README below.

We should be able to modify this approach to do the same for win32,
and thus doing releases will become both easier and less error prone.

One thing that was vexing me -- Charlie takes pains to avoid
dynamically linking png and freetype in his instructions, and yet when
I checked _png.so in the egg with ::

  otool -L _png.so

it was pointing to /usr/X11R6/lib/libpng.dylib. I think I figured
this out -- because I had PKG_CONFIG_PATH set in my local environment,
the setupext check_for_libpng was picking it up on my local machine
even though I had built a static libpng to link with for the binry
installer. By unsetting this environment var, I get the static
linkage we are shooting for. Is it possible that you have pkgconfig
on your box Charlie, which is why the dynamic linking was creeping in?
We need to fix setupext to respect a setup.cfg flag to not use
pkgconfig in certain environments, eg when building installers.

I've uploaded snapshots to


So take a look.

Here is the README from release/osx::

Building binary releases of OS X

Included here is everything to build a binay package installer for OS

Dir Contents


On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 3:24 PM, John Hunter <jdh2358@...149...> wrote:

I think the src egg approach for os x is hopeless because too many
people are having problems with architecture on png and zlib
dependencies, and we don't have a lot of control over this because
they are getting these dependencies from a variety of providers. I
think we need a binary installer, eg using bdist_mpkg, with the
freetype, png and zlib dependencies built in, as we have on windows.


* :file:`bdist_mkpg` - the distutils.extension to build Installer.app
  mpkg installers. It is patched from the tarball with
  file:`data/bdist.patch` because 0.4.3 is broken on OS X 10.5.
  Instructions on how to patch and install are below

* :file:`data` - some config files and patches needed for the build

* :file:`*.tar.gz` - the bdist_mkpg, zlib, png, freetype and mpl

* :file:`Makefile` - all the build commands

How to build

* You need to make sure to unset PKG_CONFIG_PATH to make sure the
  static linking below is respected. Otherwise the mpl build script
  will dynamically link using the libs from pkgconfig if you have this
  configured on your box::

      unset PKG_CONFIG_PATH

* OPTIONAL: edit :file:`Makefile` so that the *VERSION variables point
  to the latest zlib, png, freetype

* First fetch all the dependencies and patch bdist_mpkg for OSX 10.5.
  You can do this automatically in one step with::

      make fetch_deps

* install the patched bdist_mpkg, that the fetch_deps step just created::

      cd bdist_mpkg-0.4.3
      sudo python setup.py install

* build the dependencies::

      make dependencies

* copy over the latest mpl *.tar.gz tarball to this directory, update
  the MPLVERSION in the Makefile::

      cp /path/to/mpl/matplotlib.0.98.5.tar.gz .

* build the mkpg binary and egg

    make installers

  The mpkg and egg binaries will reside in :file:`matplotlib-VERSION/dist`

John Hunter wrote:

I think the src egg approach for os x is hopeless because too many
people are having problems with architecture on png and zlib
dependencies, and we don't have a lot of control over this because
they are getting these dependencies from a variety of providers.

Maybe it's hopeless, but one solution is to try to standardize, in the MacPython community, on using William Kyngesburye's UnixImageIO and Freetype Frameworks for the dependencies:


They are Universal, Binary, and packaged as nice frameworks and also with traditional unix-style layouts for building against.

think we need a binary installer, eg using bdist_mpkg, with the
freetype, png and zlib dependencies built in, as we have on windows.

That's good route too, though it always feels a bit silly to have a different copy of libpng inside MPL, and PIL,and wxPython, and ....

Why the heck Apple doesn't provide these really common libs is still beyond me!



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception


Charlie Moad wrote:

Most people
get a successful install, but then setuptools tries to go out and grab
the source anyways. I can't say that I know a good solution for osx.

This may be moot due to what John H. has done, but I thought all you need to do to stop setuptools from going and grabbing the source is to re-name the egg -- couldn't we just put the same egg up on the website with different names for different OS versions?

for instance, I renamed:


and easy_install installed it without a hitch on 10.4

Indeed, that name may work for 10.5 too.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception


for instance, I renamed:


and easy_install installed it without a hitch on 10.4

Indeed, that name may work for 10.5 too.

I've posted new eggs and a binary mpkg installer for OS X and a new
tarball. I've tried your egg renaming trick. Let me know how it

You have two choices for OS X :

  * matplotlib- - a binary mpkg installer
  * matplotlib- - an egg with the known
problems fixed.

Please give it another whirl and let me know.



On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Christopher Barker <Chris.Barker@...236...> wrote:


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception


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