Opensuse RPMs

Werner Hoch writes:
> What is Tex output? Do you mean postscript or eps?
> > sh: line 1: 11319 Segmentation fault gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE
> > -r6000 -sDEVICE=pswrite -sPAPERSIZE=letter
> > -sOutputFile="/tmp/"
> > "/tmp/ef684d47fbac423478eccceef602c8ca"
> > >"/tmp/ef684d47fbac423478eccceef602c8ca.output"

OK, so I have updated to the latest RPMs and investigated a bit
further. The gs segfault occurs when setting "usetex=True" AND trying
to save to an eps figure.

Demonstration: take from the examples collection on the
matplotlib site. It runs OK. Now change savefig('tex_demo') to
savefig('tex_demo.eps'). Boom.

Probably a bug with the Suse gs rather than matplotlib, but pretty
annoying anyway because one would like to produce eps rather than
bitmapped figures for publication quality images.

> Can you please provide some informations about your setup?
> OS = SuSE 10.2
> arch = i586

python shell = ipython or even the standard python interpreter

> backend your trying to use (Agg is default, set it to TkAgg if you like
> to use matplotlib interactively)
> interactive value in matplotlibrc

OK, here is the problem. With the latest RPM I get

moliver@...1516...:~/Desktop/examples> ipython -pylab
[Lots of backtrace...]
ImportError: No module named wx

Missing dependency? In any case, after setting the backend to GTKAgg
in matplotlibrc, everything works. I believe that's also the default
in the Fedora RPM.

The following tests with GTKAgg backend setting:

> Minimum Testcode for matplotlib:
> -------
> from pylab import *
> a = arange(0,10,0.01)
> plot(a, sin(a))
> grid()
> savefig("abc.png")
> -------
> Does it work?


> Testcode for postscript:
> -------
> from pylab import *
> a = arange(0,10,0.01)
> plot(a, sin(a))
> grid()
> savefig("")
> -------
> Does it work?


OK, so boiled the problem with usetex=True down to the following pair
of working vs. nonworking code. Wierd.




#!/usr/bin/env python
from pylab import *

rc('text', usetex=True)
a = arange(0,10,0.01)
plot(a, sin(a))



#!/usr/bin/env python
from pylab import *

rc('text', usetex=True)
a = arange(0,10,0.01)
plot(a, sin(a)+2)


> After changing the settings for the backend and interactive mode.
> Does the following code produce a plot when entered into a shell?
> ---------
> from pylab import *
> plot([1,2,3,3,2,3])
> ---------

As descibed above, changing backend is necessary to do anything...
Did not systematically try all the backends. Would be nice if the
default was working.

> Can you provide the version of your Fedora and the Version of the
> matplotlib package?
> It would be much easier to track the differences and fix the package.

Thanks a lot,