only one matplotlibrc is read?

Reading the user's guide, matplotlib looks for the matplotlibrc file
in current directory, home dir, get_data_path(), then finally
$MATPLOTLIBDATA before giving up. I assumed that this order meant
that options found higher in the list overrode those set in
lower-priority rc files. When I started playing with usetex, I found
that lower priority rc files aren't read at all, only the first found
rc file. This goes counter to standard rc file practice, where a
system-wide file is read first, then possibly overridden by personal
($HOME) and working directory options.
  Is this analysis correct? Is there a reason for it? Can it be
changed? Thanks


    -- Graeme

Graeme Lufkin wrote:

  Reading the user's guide, matplotlib looks for the matplotlibrc file
in current directory, home dir, get_data_path(), then finally
$MATPLOTLIBDATA before giving up. I assumed that this order meant
that options found higher in the list overrode those set in
lower-priority rc files. When I started playing with usetex, I found
that lower priority rc files aren't read at all, only the first found
rc file. This goes counter to standard rc file practice, where a
system-wide file is read first, then possibly overridden by personal
($HOME) and working directory options.
  Is this analysis correct?

More or less.

Is there a reason for it?

It was the easiest thing to do and didn't seem to be place too onerous a burden
on anyone.

Can it be

Well, I believe that an overhaul of the options system has been on the table for
some time now. I'm sure that if you are willing to write code to implement such
semantics that it will probably be included.


Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter