Newbie asking for axis labeling advice

Since I will not know in advance the values users are

    > plotting, I cannot directly set the plot limits as far as
    > I know. Any advice on how best to handle this problem? I
    > could try to calculate a best limit for each plot, or
    > simply use a single large value such that the Y axis label
    > is never pushed off the graph. Any other advice or ideas?

This is basically the best approach. You can make the default
subplots_adjust(left=.1) or something like that to give yourself
extra room. matplotlib will fall over to exponential ticking above
10^4, so 1000 is pretty much your worst case. Just make sure you can
fit the ylabel on this case and you should be OK

    pylab.scatter([1000, 5000], [1000, 5000])

Let us know when the new plots are up!

I assume you are using

  import matplotlib

for the main site and not GTKAgg....


...matplotlib will fall over to exponential ticking above
10^4, so 1000 is pretty much your worst case.

I haven't tried, but hopefully below 10^-4 as well...

Let us know when the new plots are up!
I assume you are using
for the main site and not GTKAgg....

Sure thing!

     James Phillips


On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 08:50:44AM -0500, John Hunter wrote: