mplot3d grid/axes

Hi all,

I have managed to create a 3d plot with uneven aspect ratio via auto_scale_xyz but I haven’t yet figured out how to fix the grid. If you could give me a pointer I would appreciate it.



Brian Mingus

Graduate student

Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab

University of Colorado at Boulder


Hi all,

I have managed to create a 3d plot with uneven aspect ratio via auto_scale_xyz but I haven’t yet figured out how to fix the grid. If you could give me a pointer I would appreciate it.



Just today, I submitted a PR that involved extensive fixes to autoscaling in mplot3d. I don’t have the PR number on me, but it should be easy to find on the github page. While I don’t think it will fix much for you, I would be interested to know if it breaks your code.

As for your issues, it is hard to help out without a code sample to see how you got to where you are. Did you happen to use my experimental daspect branch?


Ben Root


On Thursday, September 20, 2012, Brian J Mingus wrote:

Hey Ben,

Here is the code I am using to generate this plot, in addition to an example input. It’s basicaIlly a list of lists, where each inner list is a time series. Plotting a 3D time series as a 3D surface rectangle is probably a pretty common problem. It would be awesome if I didn’t have to switch to using rpy + ggplot or even worse, mlabwrap. Thank for any ideas that anyone has!

def ThreeDSurfacePlot(list_of_lists):


fig = plt.figure()

list_of_lists = Smooth(list_of_lists)

xs = numpy.arange(0,list_of_lists.shape[1],1)

zs = numpy.arange(0,len(list_of_lists),1)

ax = p3.Axes3D(fig)

X = numpy.meshgrid(xs,zs)[0]

Y = numpy.meshgrid(xs,zs)[1]

Z = list_of_lists

ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.jet, cstride=1, rstride=1)

ax.set_xlabel(“Sequence Elements”)




Set up x ticks

tick_locs_x = range(20)

tick_lbls_x = [‘d’, ‘j’, ‘k’, ‘f’, ‘j’, ‘d’, ‘f’, ‘k’, ‘d’, ‘f’, ‘k’, ‘j’, ‘d’, ‘f’, ‘k’, ‘f’, ‘j’, ‘d’, ‘k’, ‘j’]

plt.xticks(tick_locs_x, tick_lbls_x)

Set up y (or z?) ticks

tick_locs_y = range(len(list_of_lists))

tick_lbls_y =

for day in range(len(data[“keylog”])):

day_trial_ctr = 0

for trial in range(len(data[“keylog”][day])):

if len(data[“keylog”][day][trial]) == 20:

if day_trial_ctr % 20 == 0:

tick_lbls_y.append(“Day:” + str(day) + ", Trial: " + str(day_trial_ctr))



day_trial_ctr += 1

plt.yticks(tick_locs_y, tick_lbls_y, fontsize=10)




plt.savefig(subject + “_3d_surface.png”)

if show:

print accurateseries[:3]

[[ 0.5 0.5 0.49699092 0.5 0.68226504 0.48422813

0.42276716 0.46813011 0.42340088 0.40479589 0.41090202 0.31301808

0.30782294 0.27784109 0.36982799 0.48932219 0.38784313 0.33056998

0.40356588 0.32964206]

[ 0.5 0.57195497 0.30683708 0.46926498 0.44043994 0.46917915

0.32043695 0.41017413 0.40825605 0.28631306 0.40151811 0.31961489

0.35328102 0.22550416 0.36752486 0.55106211 0.39073801 0.38961005

0.36436582 0.34787703]

[ 0.4480989 0.49201202 0.25450802 0.39503598 0.32998705 0.33187294

0.35646415 0.36470699 0.3162992 0.28596401 0.39307094 0.4239881

0.32525587 0.30294204 0.38540196 0.296211 0.35584903 0.31555796

0.35734415 0.36554003]]


On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 7:46 PM, Benjamin Root <ben.root@…1304…> wrote:

On Thursday, September 20, 2012, Brian J Mingus wrote:

Hi all,

I have managed to create a 3d plot with uneven aspect ratio via auto_scale_xyz but I haven’t yet figured out how to fix the grid. If you could give me a pointer I would appreciate it.



Just today, I submitted a PR that involved extensive fixes to autoscaling in mplot3d. I don’t have the PR number on me, but it should be easy to find on the github page. While I don’t think it will fix much for you, I would be interested to know if it breaks your code.

As for your issues, it is hard to help out without a code sample to see how you got to where you are. Did you happen to use my experimental daspect branch?


Ben Root

Brian Mingus

Graduate student

Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab

University of Colorado at Boulder
