matplotlib wxpython deployment : RuntimeError: Could not find matplotlib data files , despite py2exe setup

Hi I am trying to create an executable for a wxpython app that plots
some data using matplotlib , pyplot.figure().

I have tried following the directions for including the matplotlib
data files detailed here(
but still get an error indicating that the data files are not bundled.

RuntimeError: Could not find matplotlib data files


Here is my

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import matplotlib

from distutils.filelist import findall
import os

name = ""
DATA_FILES = matplotlib.get_py2exe_datafiles()
setup(console=[''], options = { "py2exe" : {"includes" :
, "bundle_files" : 1 }}, data_files = DATA_FILES)

I am wondering what I am doing wrong while packaging the executable.

I also tried to run with "bundle_files : 2" option or "bundle_files"
: 3 , but that results in an exe that immediately crashes and
triggers a miscrosoft error report.
I am building my exe using 32 bit python on a 64 bit windows machine.

Thanks for your help
