I am struggling with matplotlib.pyplot.imshow
to display the slope percentages on an elevation graph. Slope values are calculated on a uneven x axis. However, there are displayed as if they were equally spaced:
Extract of the DataFrame
distance latitude longitude elevation slope
0 0.000000 45.14746 5.75135 246.0 0.000000
1 0.129540 45.14728 5.74972 244.8 -0.926358
2 0.169508 45.14710 5.74928 243.2 -4.003190
3 0.248422 45.14731 5.74832 242.8 -0.506876
4 0.276006 45.14731 5.74797 240.4 -8.700743
.. ... ... ... ... ...
485 78.933911 45.14713 5.74540 231.8 1.913190
486 79.124953 45.14792 5.74756 233.8 1.046895
487 79.212118 45.14869 5.74776 235.8 2.294491
488 79.438727 45.14991 5.75007 240.0 1.853416
489 79.733123 45.14743 5.75137 246.0 2.038068
Extract of code used to render the plot:
distances = PyGraph.pointsDf["distance"]
elevations = PyGraph.pointsDf["elevation"]
slopes = PyGraph.pointsDf["slope"]
path = Path(
np.array([np.append(distances, distances[::-1]), np.append(elevations, np.zeros_like(elevations))]).T
patch = PathPatch(path, facecolor="none")
im = self._axes.imshow(
slopes.to_numpy().reshape(1, elevations.size),
extent=[0, np.max(distances), np.min(elevations), np.max(elevations)],
divider = make_axes_locatable(self._axes)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="1%", pad=0.1)
self._figure.colorbar(im, cax=cax, label="Slope (%)")
Is it possible to use imshow
with an uneven x axis ? If not, how can I change my DataFrame
to have slopes calculated based on a constant distance interval ?
Source: python - How to fill a line graph with a color that changes by slope? - Stack Overflow